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Rockin' & Talkin' - Get ready for a new year

Monthly news and events from the Clinton Seniors Centres.

January dreams its heart in snow,

twirling, swirling, off the flakes go,

powdering the earth in white

on this sparkling winter’s night.

- Emma Payne

Didn’t we see a dump of snow in December? That’s the heaviest snowfall we’ve seen at one time since we moved here nearly 12 years ago. Blue sky, bright sun, sparkly snow – Christmas card perfect. Wonder how the rest of the winter will be?

The Foot Care Clinic will be in Clinton, Friday, Jan. 16 at the Clinton Seniors Centre  217 Smith Ave. Colleen Thom, RN, CAFCN will be happy to assist you. To discuss your foot health or to book an appointment call 250-374-1735. A treatment will be adapted to suit your individual needs and concerns.

The next regular meeting of the Clinton Seniors Association is Thursday, Jan. 15 following a noon lunch. Come and join us!

“Tonight’s December thirty-first, Something is about to burst...Hark, it’s midnight, children dear. Duck! Here comes another year!” from Ogden Nash, Collected Verse from 1929 On. It’s that time again. New year’s resolutions are upon us. A New Year resolution is a commitment that an individual makes to one or more lasting personal goals, projects, or the reforming of a habit. This lifestyle change is generally interpreted as advantageous and what sets it apart from other resolutions is that it is made in anticipation of the New Year and new beginnings.

A new approach for you may be considering 12 months of wellness starting with nutrition in January; a resolve to eat healthy after the indulgence of the holidays. The Canadian Cancer Society advocates healthy eating as one of the top ways to prevent cancer. They recommend limiting the number of fast foods, salty foods, red meats and processed meats, avoiding sugary drinks and eating plenty of non starchy fruits, veggies, and legumes. Similar recommendations are made by the Heart and Stroke Foundation and the Canadian Diabetic Association, making it clear that a healthy diet is key for prevention of chronic diseases.

A few simple meal planning and preparation tips will help you prepare healthy, delicious food that you and your family will love. Take a few minutes each week to plan your menus. To keep control of your meal portions, think of the “space on your plate.” A well-balanced plate will consist of one-quarter  protein (chicken, fish), one-quarter starch (rice/pasta). and one-half vegetables. Add milk to drink and fresh fruit for dessert and you will be well nourished at a moderate calorie expense.

I resolve to remember to make resolution suggestions for each month of the year!

Happy Birthday to Zee Chevalier Jan. 29.

The trick is to grow up without getting old.  - Frank Lloyd Wright

Zee Chevalier