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United Church Women get ready to host Soup’s On

The group will be volunteering at the lunch on Friday, June 2 at St. Alban’s Anglican Church hall.
Zion United Church

Eight ladies attended our May 2 meeting in Zion United Church hall. Past President Reta Robertson chaired the meeting and welcomed everyone.

Joyce Freeman led the Devotional, taken from the booklet There is a Season by Betty Radford Turcott. The scripture reading was Genesis 1:1–5, 14–19, and the theme was “Darkness to Light”. Remember there is always the light of hope that God brought into the world. The light and hope of Easter is through the death and resurrection of Jesus, who lights our way. Joyce ended with a prayer.

The agenda and minutes were adopted, with some amendments to the April meeting minutes.

Old business was next, and we finalized plans for our “This and That” baking and crafts sale at the Ashcroft Post Office on May 11 from 10 a.m. to noon. Church bulletins were handed out for the church service on May 28, which the United Church Women will be doing, and parts were assigned.

There were a few pieces of correspondence. We received booklets for June, July, and August, with Bible readings, from Our Daily Bread. There was also a letter from our stamp lady, thanking us for all the used stamps we collect from you, our friends in the community who save used stamps for us. She then passes them on to help with Christian work elsewhere.

Next was an email from Carmen Salacsacan, a missionary we help to support, and lastly a newsletter from the Naramata Centre Society about programs there.

Reports were then given and our treasurer, Colleen Mierau, handed out her written report, which was accepted. Hilda Drinkwater reported for sunshine verbally, Phyllis Gray reported for publicity, and Hilda reported again for archives. Phyllis reported for outreach and said she had received many Campbell’s labels. Thank you to the ladies who save those for us. She also received many used stamps, so thanks to all who pass these on to us to help with Christian work. Reta stated that Zion United Church will be hosting “Soup’s On” on June 2 in the Anglican Church hall.

We then paused for coffee and refreshments and a time of fellowship.

New business was the date of our next meeting: June 6 at 2 p.m. at the church hall. Any ladies who may be interested in our work and would like to come as a visitor would be most welcome.