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The vote doesn't stop here

A discouragingly low turnout at most of the polls this year

This was one of the more disappointing municipal elections in my memory.

Not because of the candidates who won and lost - they’re all winners because at least they got out there and gave it their best.

No. I found it disappointing because so few people actually dragged themselves down to the polling stations and voted.

Less than half the eligible voters in Cache Creek and Ashcroft felt it was important to vote for their next municipal politicians.

In Logan Lake, that figure was just over 30 per cent.

Kudos to Clinton, however, where it looked like at least 65 per cent of the voters got out and did their duty. I wish we could all be as conscientious.

You know, some of us get right upset when we talk about what our politicians are leaving for our children and our grandchildren, but we can’t give a big enough hoot about it to mark our “x” where it counts.

Makes me shake my head.

Like it or not, our Councils are in place for the next three years. Democracy doesn’t stop after election day. It’s still up to us to provide input into Councils’ decision-making by offering our opinions, being there when they make decisions and by being ever vigilant.

It’s the least we can do. And the only thing left to do now that the votes have been cast.

As for those candidates who put their names and their necks on the line, congratulations to you all. There are no losers among you.

Wendy Coomber is editor of the Ashcroft-Cache Creek Journal