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‘Dear Santa: Do you ever go swimming up there in the North Pole?’

Letters to Santa from Ms Hendrigan’s Desert Sands Community School Grade K/1 class

Letters to Santa from Ms Hendrigan’s Grade K/1 class at Desert Sands Community School.

Dear Santa: I wonder, do you really like milk and cookies? Can you please bring my mom a new makeup kit? I would like it to be one with black lipstick, red eye shadow, white powder for her face, and some pink blush for her cheeks. Could you also bring her a Mini Mouse eye mask and a butterfly headband? And, can you please bring me a purple and pink and red Santa hat and a map to the North Pole? I would also like a vest with flowers on it and an orange poncho with a hood. Thank you for all of the awesome gifts over the years. From Lilly

Dear Santa: Instead of milk and cookies, would you like eggnog and cookies? A wish for my dad: I wish my dad had longer hair because he has no hair. Can you bring him a wig? A wish for myself: I wish for a Batman book. Thank you for the stuff you brought me last year. From Dustin

Dear Santa: My question for you is: what do you do when it is not Christmas? I would really like it if my cat could have more types of cat food please. And for me, could you bring a Barbie house? Thank you for bringing me presents every single year I’ve been alive. Love, Emma

Dear Santa: Do you ever go swimming up there in the North Pole? I wish for you to bring my dad a cat — a black one! He had a black cat when he was little and I think he misses it. May I please have a white quarter horse for Christmas? Thank you so much for giving presents to people all around the world. Your sleigh must go really fast! Sincerely, Emmerson

Dear Santa: I wonder, what do your reindeer eat? I think my mom needs a new Fortnight book that is also a paperback. Please bring me a nerf gun and maybe a Hot Wheels car and maybe even too a track for my Hot Wheels car to drive on? Please and thank you! From Easton

Dear Santa: Can you please tell me how our Elf on the Shelf moves? I wish for you to bring my sister Carly a new winter jacket. And, I also wish for you to bring me a new dirt bike and dirt bike helmet and dirt bike goggles please. Thank you. From Oliver

Dear Santa: Are you for real? I wish for a book for my sister Sky. I wish for a new red toy car so that I can play with it and with my friends. Thank you for everything that you do. From Sarah

Dear Santa: I wonder, do reindeer eat carrots or grass? I wish for you to bring my dad a Christmas tree and I wish for you to bring my mom some new keys for a new truck. Could you please bring me a real doll that can talk? Thank you for the chocolate bar and cookies that you brought me last year! From Rowen

Dear Santa: I know you like milk and cookies, but what do reindeer like — ice cream? Can you give my mom some new shoes for inside? Her feet get cold sometimes. Can you give me a red light saber please? Thank you for the toy gun you gave me last year! From Antonio

Dear Santa: Do you like eating milk and cookies every single year — in every single house you visit? That is a lot of milk and cookies! I wish for Emma to always get what she wants, especially for her to get a poofy dress for Christmas this year. Can I please have a unicorn onesie? Thank you for the LOL dolls that you gave me last year. And, I also wanted to tell you that I am so happy that I get to go to school! Love from Charlotte

Dear Santa: Do you like trains? I like trains. Can I have a train this year at Christmas? We could play together! And can my mom please get some soap? Thank you for eating the cookies I leave you. Sincerely, Ezra

Dear Santa: Do your reindeer like the reindeer food I leave for them? I wish for you to bring my mom a new phone for Christmas because she has had her old one for a long time. Can I please have a new brother and can he please be super nice? The one I have now is mean. Thank you! Sincerely, Colter

Dear Santa: What are your elves names? I really like elves! I wish for my mom and dad to have money so that they can buy lots of food. I wish for you to bring me a Pokémon book because I just love Pokémon. Thank you for bringing me presents last year. I really hope to be able to stay awake long enough to see you this year! Love, Spencer

Dear Santa: Will you be coming to Ashcroft this year? I hope so! I wish for all of the children in the world to be happy. I wish for you to bring me a red Hot Wheels car and a long yellow track. Thank you for helping all of the good children to have a nice Christmas. Love, Moyo

Hi Santa: I wonder, how many elves live in your house? Can you bring my mom some brand new shoes? And, I would like a mermaid Barbie doll. Yes, I would. Please and thank you. From Faith

Hello Santa: I have been good this year. I share my toys with Faith and Rowen. Can you please bring my mom and me some new socks? That is all I want. Oh, and I also want a jewelry box. Thank you! From Clara

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