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Fillinger wins this year's Hellclimb

The third annual Ashcroft Hellclimb had nine insane cyclists compete this year.
L-r: Karl Minnabarriet

The 3rd Annual Ashcroft Hellclimb on June 23 had some seasoned racers as well as some aspiring ones battling the 18 km climb up towards Logan Lake from Ashcroft.

With Ian Fillinger making it to the top of the hill in only 57 minutes, the pace was set. Wayne Little was the second to the top, with Raymond Nyuli and Shawn Wenger cresting shortly after that.

Continuing along the flats on top another 20 km to the turn around point, most met up with an ugly black rainstorm that definitely put a damper on the ride. The temperature also dropped dramatically. Coming back down the hill had speeds much less than the usual 80+ kph due to the puddles and pelting rain.

Back in Ashcroft, prizes were given out and now we hope for nicer weather for next year!!

Wayne Little