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From the Pulpit - Forks Over Knives raises money for hampers

Ashcroft Seventh Day Adventist congregation screens Forks Over Knives and collects $225 for the Christmas Hampers.

When the movie “Forks over Knives” (meaning the surgical knives) came out about one year ago, it became one of the most hotly discussed film about the health situation in North America. Well-known Dr. Oz recommended its message to millions of viewers on talk shows where he appears. Many called it the most revolutionary movie on health ever.

What is so unusual about it? For many years we have heard of the need to change our lifestyle habits, particularly the way we eat.

The modern way of eating has created an epidemic of what is called the lifestyle diseases. In a scientific yet easy to understand way, this educational movie traces the steps of several key doctors and researchers who, through experience and thorough study, have reached identical conclusions: The way we eat either kills us or heals us as already Hippocrates discovered.

It also follows stories of several hopeless or “close to hopeless” patients and their amazing and rather surprisingly quick recovery from crippling conditions – all by very simple lifestyle changes.

Our small group that used to run the once a month “Windows of Health” program decided to do something special for the Ashcroft and surrounding communities. We were able to get the movie and present it on Sunday afternoon. Altogether, there were about 60 people who came and watched it, and then afterwards enjoyed a tasty meal that reflected principles of nutrition presented in the film. Voluntary donations that came to $225 will be given to the Ashcroft Community Christmas Hampers program. For this we want to express thanks to generous people.

We hope that this program benefitted all who came as they will undoubtedly start making simple lifestyle changes and share the information with their families and friends. We are considering running a cooking and simple health nutrition class in the future.

Also, every second Tuesday each month there is a Vegetarian Supper evening at the High School’s home economics room, always at 6 pm. This month it is on Nov. 13. Bring your dish – even when you are a beginner and enjoy good and healthy social time in the circle of friends.

I also want to thank all volunteers and those who came. We wish you a better and healthier reminder of your lives and to those who have health challenges health improvement and recovery as far as possible. Health is a great gift from our Creator and when we do our part not to ruin it, God will do His. Someone also said: “Good care for our health and good religion belong together.”


Find out more about Ashcroft’s Seventh Day Adventist congregation at

Pastor Karel Samek