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From the Pulpit - Man-made unions won't last as long as God's

Pastor Karel Samek of the Ashcroft Seventh Day Adventist Church talks about why the EU won't last very long.

Everyone knows that attempts by the EU leaders to foment unity and prosperity are not working too well.

Building Europe into a powerful global empire-like entity has been a dream pursued by many political, military and religious leaders in past history. When the Roman Empire disintegrated toward the end of the fifth century, it ended an era of four consecutive empires that dominated much of the key areas of the world – namely Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece and Rome. The vacuum of divided Europe was filled by a religio-political system attempting to unite large segments of mankind under authority of “the one head and only one true religion”. More or less willing political rulers of collaborating kings and nobility were part of this enterprise.

Looking back we know that this human effort, however well-meaning at its start ushered in era of intolerance and oppression called dark ages. Power struggles, persecutions, political and religious corruption, intermarriage, intrigues, tried their best. Historians’ modest estimate of 100 million lost lives (some say 200 million) were the cost of military conflicts, religious wars and persecutions. Behind it was the obsession and conviction that mankind needs central rule in political and religious matters to rule their conscience to secure their submission.

Charlemagne tried to unit Europe in the 8th century, Charles V tried it in the 16th, Napoleon in 18th to 19th, Kaiser William and Hitler in the 20th. Soviets had their shot on it coming from the east. Some combined it with corrupted religion, others with atheism or other philosophies. EU started as a revival of the same old dream. But will it succeed?

In 1940 after Hitler’s great victories in Europe, a British Christian pastor kept confidently writing that based on the Bible prophecy, Hitler would fail. He referred to Daniel 2 as the source of his confidence. A German pastor who was drafted into Hitler’s army was asked by a high military officer about his beliefs in Hitler’s success in the war in Russia. After being promised that whatever he said wouldn’t endanger his life, he gave the sober officer study on Daniel 2. Next day he repeated that study to a group of other German high ranking military officers.

Some historians claim that Napoleon, Kaiser William and Hitler were all told of this Bible prophecy. Hitler responded: “Let God keep to His own business and I will keep to mine.” Daniel chapter 2 depicts the rise and fall of four great world empires starting with that of Babylon. Historians have no problem pointing to Medo-Persia, Greece and Roman empires. But who is the fourth?

Today we hear much about the “New world order”. Will it succeed? According to Bible prophecies only for a fleeting very short time and then it will disintegrate and fall apart. Daniel chapter 2 predicts a “Big Rock” cut without human hands that will smash this final human attempt to dominate world affairs.

This Rock is none other than Jesus Christ at His Second Coming. Too sad that most people don’t listen to God’s word! Instead people look to astrology, silly predictions, occultism, ambitious politicians or world loving confused theologians and religious leaders promising peace and prosperity. In Daniel 2:45, Prophet Daniel interpreting King Nebuchadnezzar’s dream closes with these words: “The dream is certain and its interpretation is sure.”

Will the EU, the “New world order” or the one world government succeed? Maybe for a very short time. Isn’t it a time start looking to Him for answers and build our confidence on His word, rather than on stars, promises and prognosis of men?


Karel Samek is Pastor of Merritt, Ashcroft and Lillooet 7th day Adventist Churches.