125 YEARS AGO: OCT. 28, 1898
Fire Brigade Organized: A meeting of the citizens of Ashcroft was held in the Court House on the evening of the 17th inst., for the purpose of considering what action should be taken in regard to fire protection. Mr. Shields, as representing the water works company, stated that the company would give the citizens the full use of the hydrants on condition that a sum of $200 per annum be voted to the company, who would agree to keep the hydrants in working order and the town would then be entirely free to use all the water necessary either for practice or in case of a fire. A committee was appointed and was very successful in obtaining subscriptions, having attained a sum of $665, with a number of other property owners to hear from. It was recommended that the following list of fire appliances be purchased from the Toronto Gutta Percha & Rubber Mfg. Co.: 750 feet “Maltese Cross” fire hose; 1 No. A hose reel complete; 2 brass nozzles; 1 flexible nozzle; 15 spanners. The question of forming the fire brigade was then taken up and thoroughly discussed, and some thirty of the young men having handed in their names as willing to take up active parts, it was decided that it would be necessary to appoint a committee to choose from among the number those whom they considered the best men. The company, when formed, will elect their own officers and take charge of the appliances. The committee is also to consider ways and means for obtaining a suitable site for housing the hose, etc.
Insurance Reduction: Now that we have a thorough system of water works and a fire brigade with the proper appliances which are ordered and will soon be here, we may expect a material reduction on our insurance. Mr. A.W. Ross, inspector for the fire underwriters, stated a few weeks ago when in Ashcroft to the Journal, that it would very likely reduce insurance about one-third of the present rates.
Lower Nicola: The Nicola Lake flour mill was burned on Sunday morning, together with a large quantity of grain and flour, mostly belonging to the farmers in the vicinity. The origin of the fire is unknown. The loss of this mill, the only roller mill in Nicola valley, will be felt very keenly throughout the whole district, as but very few of the farmers had their grinding done for winter. In fact some of them are on their last sack of flour. This will necessitate them either buying imported flour or resorting to the old fashioned stone mill at Lower Nicola.
Conundrum Tea: A conundrum tea and entertainment will be given in the Town Hall, Ashcroft, on Halloween, Monday, Oct. 31st, under the auspices of the ladies’ aid society of the Methodist church. All are cordially invited.
100 YEARS AGO: OCT. 20, 1923
Seven Cars Potatoes Daily: Seven cars of potatoes daily are leaving Ashcroft for the various markets, and the quality is reported to be up to the standard of the famous Ashcroft potato. Up to the present over seventy cars of potatoes have left Ashcroft, and so far no complaints have been received. In fact many of the buyers have reported their great appreciation of the famous Ashcroft spud this year.
Indian Gives Views; Packed Over Hope-Princeton Trail For Ten Years: The following letter, written especially for the Journal by Louis James, an Indian of the Boothroyd Indian Reserve, Boston Bar, puts further light on the Fraser Canyon route: “I trust that you will allow me a short space in your valuable paper to express my views upon the much discussed proposed highway through the province. I read the paper, and have read with considerable interest the different opinions upon the two proposed routes. To my mind it is most amusing to read absurd arguments brought forward by both the Princeton and Hope boards of trade in favour of the Hope-Princeton trail. In my opinion these people do not for one minute know what they are talking about. For 10 years I packed over the Hope-Princeton trail and during the whole time it was not open more than 4½ months any one year during that time, except for snow shoes. And the depth of snow that falls in this vicinity is so great that it would be impossible to do anything on it between the middle of September and the middle of June. So this shows what little use it would be as a highway. The Fraser Canyon route is practically an all the year round road, the heaviest snow fall being between Spuzzum and Boston Bar, and that is not so heavy that a road could not be kept open. If the Hope-Princeton trail is such a wonderful route, why did not the railway follow it? As you are aware, the route chosen by the Kettle Valley is lower than the proposed highway, and yet they, with all their snow fighting facilities, are blocked many winters. At Hell’s Gate on the proposed Fraser route the road can follow the old Hudson Bay trail, which is a good grade, and will get rid of the difficulties. If I can be of any assistance, I will only be too glad to do so.”
75 YEARS AGO: OCT. 21, 1948
Ashcroft Cannery: The Ashcroft cannery finished the season’s operations last week when a fairly good pack was put up. A large amount of tomatoes were frozen with the early frost and tons were left on the field. No pumpkins were packed this year. A large crop of semi-ripes were shipped out this year.
Ashcroft Journal News Broadcast: The Ashcroft Journal News is still being broadcast every Friday at 5 p.m., and now coming from CFJC’s new antenna site the the program is now heard very clearly. Citizens in Ashcroft and surrounding towns including the Cariboo are invited to tune in and listen to this program, your name may be mentioned over the air which adds a great deal of personal interest. Citizens are asked to send in all the news of their community up and down the Cariboo, and up and down the C.P. and C.N. lines, thus boosting your community. Little things that happen in your community are of great importance to those who once resided there. It’s like a letter from home.
Clinton Dance: A good time was had by all at the peppy dance held in the Clinton community hall last Friday night. The net proceeds of sixty dollars was turned over to the hall funds. It was music by the Clinton Music Makers.
50 YEARS AGO: OCT. 18, 1973
Arena Vote Nov. 17: Ashcroft Village Council has given three readings to the Ashcroft arena question Bylaw No. 208, which reads “Are you in favour of Council pursuing the proposal of taking over the Ashcroft Arena, completing construction of the facility at an estimated cost of $75,000 with a five-year repayment contract, and operating the Arena on a fixed budget of $15,000 for the next five years.” The cost is to be borne by taxpayers.
Speed Review: Ashcroft council reviewed police enforcement of load and speed signs on Railway Avenue and requested the clerk ask for stricter enforcement.
New Three Way Stop Signs: Ashcroft council has been advised of a serious traffic problem being generated by school traffic at the intersection of Ranch Road, Government Street, and Old Cariboo Highway. Council has authorized widening of Government Street past the elementary school to improve visibility and to provide better walkways for students. Due to traffic problems at the intersection a three-way stop will be implemented. The public is cautioned to be on the lookout for these stop signs.
Highland Valley: More cheers for BC Highways Department. Their work of widening Highland Valley road is progressing nicely, they are now working about 14 miles east of Ashcroft near Halfway. Driving Highland Valley Road is getting to be a pleasure instead of a pain. Keep up the good work, fellows. We’re all for you.