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Learning how to come up for air is a vital and necessary skill

We cannot help others if we don’t first help ourselves
We have to remind ourselves to come up for air and take a deep breath in order to stay healthy and be able to help others. (Photo credit: Hippopx)

Elvenia Gray-Sandiford

As mammals, human beings were designed to walk on the earth and breathe air. However, we often forget to take care of ourselves and our own needs. A recent study on whales has shed light on the importance of coming up for air, both for these marine mammals and for humans.

Whales are mammals that give birth to their young and feed them with breast milk, just like humans. However, unlike fish, they do not have gills that allow them to breathe underwater. They must come up to the surface to inhale air, or they risk suffocating. In fact, most whales die by drowning, despite their natural ability to swim and navigate in the water.

This realization led to an important question: If whales were created to live in the sea and navigate their lives in the water, why do they die from drowning? The answer is simple: they need to access a light source that is not in their natural habitat: air. Similarly, as humans, we have basic needs that must be met for us to function properly.

As parents, especially mothers, we tend to prioritize the needs of our loved ones above our own. However, we must remember that we cannot help others if we are not well ourselves. If we are sick or exhausted, we cannot be there for someone else who needs our help. It is essential to take care of ourselves first so that we can continue to give hope and support to others.

Self-care involves recognizing our own needs and taking the necessary steps to fulfill them. We know when we are hungry, thirsty, or tired, but we often neglect our mental health needs. It is important to prioritize mental health and take steps to reduce stress, whether that involves exercise, meditation, therapy, or other forms of self-care.

Learning to come up for air is a vital skill that can help us thrive in our daily lives. Just like whales, we need to access a light source that is not always present in our natural environment. Taking care of ourselves can help us be more present and effective in our interactions with others, as well as improve our overall well-being.

In conclusion, as mammals, we were designed to walk on the earth and breathe air. Just like whales, we must come up for air to survive and thrive. Prioritizing our own needs and practicing self-care is essential to our health and happiness. By taking care of ourselves, we can be better equipped to help others and make a positive impact in the world.

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