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Mother's Day bring stories of mother's love

Report from Ashcroft's United Church Women

Ten United Church Women met in the church hall on May 3.

President Lynn Lancaster welcomed everyne and Marrion Baatz led us in the devotional taken from the book, Cheerful Devotions to Give by Amy Bolding. The theme was on a mother’s love and her devotion to her children. There were references from Exodus, Proverbs and Matthew. She read a story of a mother’s love and closed with prayer.

Old business was dealt with and discussed. We are purchasing more card tables to use for teas and bazaars. This should give us enough small tables so we don’t have to borrow any.

The volunteer appreciation tea was attended by Reta Robertson and Joyce Freeman as our representatives from our congregation given in thanks for our church’s participation in providing one Sunday a month worship service for the residents of Thompson View Lodge (the Assisted Living facility).

Reta attended the UCW BC Conference and briefed us on that meeting.

Four pieces of correspondence were dealt with, one being a newsletter from Carmen about her work in Mexico through Action International. Another update was from 1st United in Vancouver concerning the valuable work they do to help the street people with food and lodging.

The Treasurer’s report was given by Reta.

The other reports were given verbally for information only. Dixie continues to send out several cards to those celebrating a birthday or a special time in their lives.

We continue to collect Campbell soup labels and used postage stamps for our outreach program to help with Christian work in other parts of Canada. Thank you to all who save these for us.

New business was taken care of next. The UCW will be doing a service during the summer months.

The Western Women’s Conference will be, first one Sept. 23-25 and the second one a longer one will be Sept. 23-27 in Naramata.

June 7 will be our last meeting before the summer breakWe closed with the UCW Benediction and then enjoyed refreshments and fellowship. All interested ladies are welcome to join us or come as a visitor.

Phyllis Gray writes the United Church Women news