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Plans for Christmas bazaars in the works

From the monthly United Church Women's group in Ashcroft.

Eleven ladies answered the roll at our Sept. 4 meeting. Reta Robertson chaired the meeting in the absence of Lynn Lancaster, who was helping with the set up for the Fall Fair. Reta warmly welcomed everyone after the summer break.

Joyce Freeman led the devotional taken from “There is a Season” by Betty Redford Turcot. The story was about Jesus being at the Temple as a boy and his wisdom in asking and answering questions there about God and his kingdom. God looks at the extra ordinary in our hearts. She closed with prayer.

Old business was attended to and we may have a bake sale, so watch for posters and a notice in Coming Events in The Journal.

The western Womens’ Conference will be Sept. 28 and the Retreat will go to Oct. 2.

Correspondence was dealt with and we had letters from VST (Vancouver School of Theology) and their news.

We also had a news update from Carmen about her work in Mexico. We support Carmen and her work there with the women and children.

The R.B.C. ministries from whom we receive the “Daily Break” devotions sent an update of their work.

It was noted that the United Church Calendars for 2013 are now available. We will soon be ordering some.

Reports were verbally given except the Treasurer’s Report which was circulated as printed. Dixie Sydia, our Sunshine Lady, sent out nine cards to those celebrating a birthday or other event in their lives. Reta noted that she received some Campbell Soup labels but the count was down over the summer, so those who save us those labels please keep them coming. Thank you as you are helping to support ministries for children in other parts of Canada.

Our church hosted the weekly Soups On program on Aug. 31 and will do so again in October.

During our break for coffee and refreshments, Reta showed a Power Point presentation of the 50th anniversary of the Unite Church Women’s conference on July 23-27 in Ontario. She also had a table display of the things that were given out to each participant, all in a beautiful tote bag.

There were 500 women who attended this celebration and Reta said it was a very meaningful and moving time for her. There were even two ladies from Cuba there on a visitor’s permit. Just to mention a few. There were nine fro BC and five from Bermuda. The theme was “Our tapestry of Love” and was demonstrated by someone weaving a tapestry and showed how each of us in however way we can, work to further God’s kingdom on Earth.

New Business was then brought up. Our Inter Church Bazaar will be held Dec. 1 from noon-2 pm in Zion Church Hall. The Health Unit will hold their Christmas Sale on Dec. 1 from 10 am to noon in the Community Hall so please take in both of these events as the venues are almost side by side. Watch for posters and a notice in Coming Events in The Journal.

We have received word that 1st United in Vancouver is partnered with BC Housing and wo that will allow them to keep caring for and providing shelter overnight for the street people for the next mine months.

Our next meeting is Oct. 2 at 2 pm. We closed with the UCW Benediction.

Any interested ladies are very welcome to come as a visitor or to join us. We would be happy to welcome you.

Phyllis Gray