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Rockin' & Talkin' - New services added to a growing list for Clinton residents

Zee Chevalier's monthly report from the Clinton Seniors Association,

The pageantry of colour October ushers in

is but the crowning glory

Of a season that is kin

To the latter years of life,

When memory’s hand holds sway

And paints a glorious picture

Of thoughts of yesterday.

- Lois Silliker

When the calendar opens to the October page, Fall activities are generally well underway. The leisurely pace of summer has ended – the flurry of school reopening and meetings resuming in September has passed and you might find yourself wondering what you will do with your new found “spare time”. Another aspect of our personal growth in 2015 is to consider volunteerism.

Through volunteering young people can discover their full potential, have new experiences, create new contacts and check out career choices. Seniors can have an interesting and healthy retirement; can stay connected and share their passions and skills. Volunteers of all ages can take pleasure in working alongside people who appreciate their talents and capabilities.

Non-profit and voluntary organizations, individuals and society as a whole benefit from the activities of volunteers and the volunteers themselves benefit from their volunteer activities. Volunteer activities help individuals with their interpersonal skills, such as understanding people better, motivating others and dealing with difficult situations. Volunteering helps to develop better communication skills and increases knowledge about issues related to your volunteering.

Volunteering is about choosing to give your time, energy and skills to something that matters to you; choosing to make a difference. In doing this, you not only improve the lives of others and contribute to your community, you also improve yourself. There is something very liberating, empowering and satisfying about making a difference in your community in the way that best suits you! Since volunteers are motivated by a desire to help and fuelled by enthusiasm, they feel a strong sense of achievement. It may be true that no one person can solve all the world’s problems, but what you can do is make your corner of the world a better place.

Mahatma Gandhi said, “Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.”

Volunteering is the perfect way to discover something you are good at doing or develop new skills in an area you already enjoy. It’s never too late to gain new skills and there’s no reason why you should stop learning just because you’ve finished school or work or have become a senior. For example, staging a fund-raising event can help you develop planning, organizational and budgeting skills.

Be part of your community. People and societies depend on each other for survival. Volunteering is ultimately about helping others and having a positive impact on the well-being of others. Volunteering is an excellent way to escape the ordinary and add more balance to your life. If you’re doing something you enjoy on a regular basis you may find yourself less stressed, more inspired and more motivated to learn new things and develop new perspectives on old issues. As well, you’ll gain valuable life experiences.

Volunteers are a diverse range of people. from all backgrounds and walks of life; a mix that provides a wonderful forum to develop interpersonal skills and lasting friendships.

All the people in your life are interested in who you are and what you do when you’re not with them. Volunteering reflects a complete picture of you and gives real examples of your commitment, dedication and interests. Show people what you are passionate about and maybe you will inspire them too!

It’s especially appropriate in October as we celebrate Thanksgiving Day on the 12th, to be grateful for the talents and skills we possess and the ability and willingness to share them with others as volunteers in our community. Don’t forget to have a little fun on Halloween.

Seniors, particularly, are pleased that more services have come to Clinton. Kudos to the Nomad Motel for setting up Dr. James Kendall, a chiropractor in Room 4 from 12 noon on Wednesdays. Appointments can be made through his Ashcroft office by calling 250 453-2266. Hairdressers from Revelations in Ashcroft are in Room 1 on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Appointments are made through their Ashcroft salon (250 453-9339) but walk-ins are welcome.

The next regular General meeting of the Clinton Seniors Association will be Oct. 15 following noon lunch at the Clinton Seniors Centre  217 Smith Ave. New volunteers are always welcome!

Cards and Games are every Tuesday at 1pm at the Seniors Centre.

The Foot Clinic will be held on Oct. 16 and 17 at the Seniors Centre. To book an appointment or to discuss your foot health call 250-819-1632.

The next Seniors’ Lunch is Oct. 1 at the Cordial.

The Clinton Seniors Association Marketplace is Nov. 7. To book a table, please call 459-2339.

Happy Birthday Oct. 13 to Christine Stella and to Bill Holt on Oct. 29.

You can only perceive real beauty in a person as they get older. - Anouk Aimee

Zee Chevalier