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United in Spirit - Bazaar plans made

Zion's United Church Women make Christmas plans for the Inter-Church Bazaar, services and more.

Seven ladies answered the roll call for our Nov. 10 United Church Women’s meeting.

President Reta Robertson welcomed everyone and thanked them for their dedication to the work of United Chrch Women. We repeated the UCW Purpose together.

Joyce Freeman led the Devotional taken from “There is A Season” by Betty Rodford turcot entitled “Peace Making”. The scripture was from Micah 4:3-5. It is better to remember that we need to work towards peace to end the suffering that occurs through the violence and ravages of war. She closed with a prayer.

We evaluated the Mr. Miyagishima’s Memorial Tea. It went very well and was appreciated. We decided to have our Annual Church Family Christmas Dinner and Social time on Dec. 11 beginning with pot luck at 5:30 pm.

The Inter Church Bazaar plans were finalized in detail and this annual event will be held in the Anglican Church Hall on Dec. 5 from 11 am to 1 pm with an opening Blessing at 10:30. We will set up Friday night at 7 pm the night before.

Each of us brought Christmas cards for the residents of Garden Oasis to use.

Reports were given and treasurer Colleen Mierau handed out her written report.

Dorothy Pears read her report for Sunshine - she will be sending out several Christmas Cards to those who no longer live here but some who still support our work.

Phyllis Gray ave her Publicity report and Hilda Drinkwater gave her Archives report. Reta Robertson reported for Outreach: she received many, many stamps which help with Christian work elsewhere. She didn’t receive many Campbell labels, but we thank all of you who save these items and turn them in, so please keep them coming.

We will be meeting at 2:30 instead of 2 pm for the first three months of 2016 to accommodate those who can’t come at 2 pm. We postponed our executive election until the January meeting. We will decorate the church and hall on Dec. 8 at 10 am.

We don’t have an official meeting in December so our next meeting will be Jan. 5 at 2:30 pm. We closed with the UCW Creed.

We wish everyone a Joyful and Blessed Christmas.

Phyllis Gray