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United in Spirit - Bean Supper was a success

Zion's United Church Women take care of their monthly business and evaluate the annual Bean Supper.

Eight ladies answered the roll call for our Apr. 9 meeting and Reta Robertson, past president, chaired it on behalf of Lynn Lancaster who was away. Phyllis Gray led the devotional and it a candle in memory of Marrion Baatz who passed away in March. This devotional was a tribute to her. We closed with prayer.

Old Business was dealt with and it included an evaluation of the Bean Supper and some suggestions were made to improve it. Again, we wish to thank all of those who helped us with this big community event by baking beans, making scalloped potatoes, salads and pies. This project would not be possible without your help. Also, to those who worked as servers, cutting pies and in buying a commercial dishwasher, which will be a great help.

Several pieces of correspondence were read: One from BC Conference UCW AGM Apr. 26-27, the theme being “Living our Love” in Port Coquitlam with speaker Rev. Karen Midland. Another 1st United Church Mission in Vancouver about their work. We also received a thank you from Carmen Salaesacan and a report from UWC Morogoro project about them training women to be midwives and what a difference that has made to the women there. Naramata sent a thank you for our support.

We then had our refreshment break and a time of fellowship.

Our UCW Ladies will be leading one of the Sunday services in June because Alice begins her next year with us in July.

Deep cleaning of church and hall was discussed and will make more plans next month.

Reports were given. The Treasurer’s report was handed out and the others given verbally. Dorothy, our sunshine lady, has sent out several cards for birthdays and condolences. Reta gave the Outreach report and said she had received many stamps and Campbell soup labels, so a big thank you to those who save these items for us. Zion United will be hosting Soups On on Apr. 19 in our church hall as the Anglican hall is in use for the annual Art Show.

Our May meeting will be May 7 at 2 pm in the church hall and any ladies who are interested in our work or who would like to come as a visitor would be most welcome.

We closed with the UCW Benediction.

Phyllis Gray