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United in Spirit - Prayers, suppers and services discussed

Phyllis Gray's monthly report for Ashcroft's Zion United Church Women.

Seven ladies met on Feb. 3 in the United Church Hall. President Reta Robertson warmly welcomed us and thanked us for our dedication. We stated the United Church Women’s Purpose together.

Jacklin Desrosiers led the Devotional with a reading from Earth Gospel written by Sir Hamilton Poore. The scripture was Psalm 89:6A stating that we shouldn’t worry about things but to trust in God and His blessings. She closed with prayer.

The agenda was approved as circulated. The minutes were approved and passed.

There were several items of Old Business to review and plan for. Zion United Church will be hosting the World Day of Prayer on March 6 and 7. Watch for a notice in The Journal. The theme is on the Bahamas and guest speakers will be Ken and Molly Platz. All welcome, men too. Plans and decisions were made for our up and coming 69th Bean Supper. Watch for posters and details in The Journal. We each brought three Valentine Cards for the residents of Garden Oasis at the hospital to use. The U.C.W. Will be leading the worship time on Feb. 22 so we were given parts for this service.

There were many pieces of correspondence, from Our Daily Bread ministries, email from Carmen whose ministry we support, a U.C.W. Newsletter, email from Naramata, and a donation receipt and thank you.

Reports were given, and Colleen Mierau, our treasurer, handed out her written report which we approved. Dorothy Pears delivered her Sunshine report and stated she had sent out five cards. Hilda Drinkwater gave a verbal report for Archives; and Phyllis Gray stated her report on Publicity. Reta Robertson reported verbally for Outreach and thanked all those who continue to give her used stamps and Campbell labels. These items are sent off to help with Christian work elsewhere. So a big thank you to all who help us with this work.

We then paused for refreshments and a social time.

New Business brought us together again and as the Maundy Thursday service will be in our church on April 2, we will be having a potluck dinner in conjunction with the service beginning at 5:30 pm.

We will bring three Easter cards for the Garden Oasis residents to use to our next meeting, which will be March 3 at 2 pm.

Devotional and refreshment ladies were noted. If any ladies are interested in our work and would like to come as a visitor or would like to join us, they would be most welcome. We closed with the U.C.W. Benediction.

Phyllis Gray