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United in Spirit - Summer events elicit good comments

Participants happy with Biking for Bibles and Stay At Home Tea.

Our first meeting after the summer recess was held Sept. 3. Reta Robertson led the devotional with a reading from John 1 and Quiet Moments for Women by June Masters-Bacher. People who share themselves always leave a gift. Reta chaired the meeting in Lynn Lancaster’s absence.

Under old business, we evaluated our hosting of the Bikers for Bibles and noted there were many good comments about the food and accommodations we provided when they arrived in Ashcroft from Merritt for dinner and overnight. Our Stay At Home Tea was very successful and appreciations were extended for not having to go out on a hot day. Thanks to all for your support in this.

Many pieces of correspondence were dealt with, including news from V.S.T. And the BC Conference annual report. The magazine Riding the Waves from the Women’s Inter Church Council of Canada was also received. The 1st United Church in Vancouver is now 1st United Church Community Society. A brochure about a retreat called Midwives of an Unnamed Future to be held Nov. 13 at the Sorrento Centre was received and discussed. To encourage a couple who may want to go, we decided to help a little with the registration.

The reports were given orally and our Sunshine Lady sent out many cards during the summer. Some of us will be attending the Soups On meeting coming up next week. Many Campbell soup labels were turned in to Reta, so we thank all of you who save these for us for our outreach work. Also, some used stamps were handed in too, so many thanks for these items as well.

We then had our coffee break and Time of Fellowship before resuming the meeting.

For our October meeting, we are to bring three “thinking of you” cards to give to the residents of Garden Oasis at the hospital for their use. We discussed the second upcoming Bazaar date in November, and will have posters out and notices in The Journal before then. Church calendars will be available and ordered soon.

The Food Committee for Alice’s covenanting service Sept. 15 met just prior to the Sept. 3 meeting and food donations were paired up with donors for the dinner after the service. Thank you ladies.

The next meeting will be Oct. 8 at 2 pm. This falls on the second Tuesday because our choir person will be away. We closed with the United Church Women’s prayer.

Phyllis Gray