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United in Spirit - UCW plans a bakeless bake sale this summer

The monthly meeting news from the Zion United Church Women.

Our last meeting before a break for summer was held Tuesday, June 2 in Zion United Church all. Eight ladies attended.

We were warmly welcomed by president Reta Robertson. We repeated the UCW prayer together.

Joyce Freeman led the Devotional taken from Program Ready by Dorothy MacNeill. She began with a prayer. The scripture was John 14:15-24. The Holy Spirit is with us to guide and direct our lives, to help us to make the right decisions and choices. Listen to the Holy Spirit within you. Joyce closed with a prayer.

The agenda was circulated and accepted.

Old Business was next and because the UCW will be leading the worship service on June 14, we were assigned our parts.

Several pieces of correspondence were dealt with as follows: More information about the BC UCW conference that Jacklin Desrosiers reported on at our May meeting was read from the missionary Carmen Salacsacan about her work and a notice that the 90th anniversary of the United Church of Canada on June 10 will be remembered with the ringing of United Church bells 90 times at 10 am (we plan to do this). We received a thank you and a receipt for the offering at the World Day of Prayer and a copy of the Perspective Magazine from the Vancouver School of Theology.

As a fundraiser, we decided to have a Bakeless Bake Sale in the summer.

Reports came next and Colleen Mierau, our treasurer, handed out her report and it was accepted. Dorothy Pears reported for Sunshine, Phylllis Gray for Publicity, Hilda Drinkwater for Archives and Reta Robertson for Outreach. The United Church group hosted “Soups On” on June 12 in the Anglican church hall. Thank you to all who continue to save and give to us Campbell labels and used stamps. These are sent off to support Christian work elsewhere.

We paused at this time for refreshments and fellowship.

We resumed and carried on with New Business – to help with Zion Church and Hall insurance and to learn there are more volunteers needed in other groups who host the Soups On program. If anyone in the community would like to help, please contact Martina at the Anglican church. On Aug. 30 the UCW will be leading that worship time too.

Our next meeting will be Sept. 1 at 2 pm in Zion Church Hall. The Devotional will be led by Reta and Colleen and Phyllis will look after the refreshments.

After adjournment we stood and repeated the UCW prayer to close the meeting. Reta wished us a great summer and we pass this wish on to you, to have a great and safe summer. Anyone wishing to come as a visitor or to join us would be most welcome.

Phyllis Gray