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Work continues at Clinton Museum but facility remains closed

Volunteers sought to manage museum’s Facebook page and website
Disc plough donated to the Clinton Museum by Don and Bonnie L’Heureux. (Photo credit: Robin Fennell)

By Edith McLorn

The South Cariboo Historical Museum Society (SCHMS) is saddened by the recent passing of Don L’Heureux. Our sympathies to Bonnie and the L’Heureux family.

Robin Fennell and Doug Carnegie have moved the horsedrawn disc plough donated by Bonnie and Don to the Clinton Museum yard. This acquisition was long discussed and on hold for spring, waiting for the right help to move it onto museum property.

Museum members have been meeting Tuesdays at the museum to do yard work and plan projects. We practice social distancing and COVID-19 cleanliness.

The museum opening is complicated by COVID-19 protocols. We want everyone — volunteers and visitors — to be safe. The layout of the museum’s display areas makes social distancing difficult, so there is no general opening at this time.

Museum members participated in a BC Museum Week webinar on COVID-19 procedures and challenges. The general message was one of huge adjustments and constant re-evaluations of safety procedures, whether for the Royal BC Museum in Victoria (which led this webinar) or volunteer-run museums like ours.

Work continues on the refreshing of our gun cabinet display, and it is looking great, with a new background and the beginning of some signage. Colette French has inherited the lead on this project.

The first 50 volunteer hours have seen completion of the repair, documentation, and archival quality restoration of the unique highways map, which was formerly the backdrop in the gun case. The map is now in a protective folder and will be stored in the archive. The next 50 hours will involve Lillian Fehr and trainee assistant Sandy Fletcher entering data into the “Past Perfect” museum program. The research details were provided by Graham Anderson, our antique gun historian. After this, the layout will be finalized and the display will be reassembled.

The Richard Wright New Pathways to Gold wagon road project that started with examination of our map and gun case continues to be supported by the society members. We receive updates from Richard saying that work continues on this project, but like so much, confirming dates for the projected community event is impossible. We so look forward to the day when our community can confidently come together.

New members are welcome, and membership costs $10. We know that our extraordinary museum, and the local history and artifacts it holds, is supported and valued by our Clinton and area community. It is at the heart of Clinton, and has been continually tended since the SCHMS was formed in 1956. Your name on our membership roll says to funders (most of our 11 grant applications are on hold) that the community of Clinton values the museum, and expects it to continue beyond the current disruptions.

Membership is easy. You have a choice of receiving email updates about activities, and attending meetings, or you can be a supporting member and not receive meeting notices and updates. Send your name, contact info, and $10 to SCHMS, P.O. Box 127, Clinton, B.C. V0K 1K0.

PS: If you are disappointed by the lack of updates on our Clinton B.C. Museum Facebook page and website (, consider whether you are the right volunteer to take one or both on. My home phone number is (250) 459-7988 if you are interested.

Edith McLorn is president of the South Cariboo Historical Museum Society.

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