125 YEARS AGO: DEC. 16, 1899
Curling Rink Notes: The curling rink, situated on Bancroft Street next to the Fair buildings, is 35 feet wide by 145 feet long, roofed, and closed one end and one side. The roof is supported in the centre by posts, making one rink on each side of the posts. Three electric lights are placed over each rink. A locker has been placed at the end of the rink where the “stanes” and brooms will be kept when not in use. Next to the open side of the curling rink is the skating rink. It is about 70 feet wide by 180 feet long. The entrance to both skating and curling rinks will be through an office and will be presided over by W.C. Morgan, who has charge of the skating rink. Should the present cold snap continue, both rinks will be at once flooded and put into shape for active use.
Lady Curlers: Ladies shall be admitted to membership without, however, having the right to participate in the tournaments or other games arranged for the male members, unless especially invited to do so by the majority of the votes of the male members. Lady members shall be at liberty, subject to the approval of the executive committee of the curling club, to organize amongst themselves a sub-section composed solely of lady members, and shall have the use of the curling rinks and stones on two afternoons each week to be arranged by the executive committee.
Fast Trip: J.D. Gillis made the record trip to Quesnelle Forks last week, having conveyed Dr. Hogle in a B.X. special the entire distance, 194 miles, in 23 hours.
Nicola News: The months of November and December, up to the present, have been very mild and all that anyone could desire for the time of year. One or two slight snowfalls have occurred only to disappear in a day or so.
Rail Line: C.P.R. engineers are surveying a line from Keremeos to Spences Bridge. The line, which runs about a mile south of Keremeos, is now located as far as Coutlees. This branch of the C.P.R. is known as the Columbia & Western and it is expected that construction will be commenced — well, as soon as the C.P.R. think it expedient. [This would not end up taking place until completion of what is now known as the Kettle Valley Railway in 1915.]
100 YEARS AGO: DEC. 13, 1924
Weather: About a couple of inches of snow changed the landscape of Ashcroft and environs on Wednesday morning. The soft weather since is reducing it somewhat. Some ice was made at the skating rink, but the mild weather of the past few days is undoing all that has been done there.
Hospital Auxiliary: The following articles have been provided for the Lady Minto Hospital by the Ladies Hospital Auxiliary: Six yards pillow cotton; three bedspreads; cups and saucers; two toilet sets; community tables; six pairs sheets; one dozen towels; one dozen pajamas; 12 dozen night gowns; six small table cloths; two wicker arm chairs; storm windows for operating and dressing rooms. The balance of the money will be spent on articles as required at the hospital.
Highway Toll Proposed: Mr. J.W. Jones, Conservative, South Okanagan, has advocated the collection of a toll of $1 from persons travelling over the proposed Fraser Canyon Highway.
75 YEARS AGO: DEC. 15, 1949
Additional Power For Ashcroft: Awaiting government sanction, the Ashcroft Water, Electric and Improvement Company is planning a project that will increase the hydro-electric power of its plant by 500 horse capacity. The scheme is to build a bigger storage dam or increase the present one on the Bonaparte in order to give more water reserve. In the past few years the company has been called upon to supply more and more power, having extended their lines to Cache Creek. It takes in the Manor and Beam Station also, and recently extended its service to the old mill.
Santa Claus Is Coming To Town, Will Visit Spences Bridge: Final plans are underway for the annual concert and Christmas Tree for the youngsters in this district. The school children are busy practising to entertain their parents and friends on that exciting night of the year when Santa comes to town, presenting each child in the community with a gift following the concert.
B.P.O. Elks Xmas Tree: The annual Elks Christmas Tree will be held in the Ashcroft Theatre next week, Wednesday, Dec. 21, when Santa Claus will come to town and pay all the children who attend this grand event a visit. The jolly old fellow will give each boy or girl a present and a treat. So “Better be there, ’cause Santa Claus is Coming to Town!” The B.P.O. Elks, for extra fun, will put on a moving picture show. The title of the picture will be “Fun and Fancy Free”. Mr. Rogers, proprietor of the theatre, says this is a real good show.
Around Your Hi-School (by L. Louie): Last Phys. Ed. period we did gym and played volleyball alternately. The winning team of boys played the winning girls’ team. Yea, Man! What a game! The referee (Mr. Kutzner) was pulling for the girls, but unfortunately we lost. I doubt if the boys would ever have lived it down if we had beaten them. Oh well, there is still lots of time. . . This snowfall was especially appreciated by the girls. You see, it is the kind that just won’t pack and consequently the boys find it difficult to make snowballs with — lucky for the girls! Why are all boys such bullies? They just love to bombard the girls when they know the “weaker sex” can’t fight back.
50 YEARS AGO: DEC. 11, 1974
Ashcroft Hotel: Oscar Olson, owner of the Ashcroft Hotel just burned down, has hopes of rebuilding. Terms of financing are an essential part of the plan, as the hotel was only partially covered with insurance. W. Fritz is presently submitting drawings and plans for a modern structure to Oscar.
Ashcroft–Clinton Rail Link Assured; Len Marchand, M.P., Kamloops-Cariboo, Reports: I’ve had a number of inquiries on the status of the CP-CN link to BC Rail between Ashcroft and Clinton. Some people even expressed concern that it may not go ahead. I want to dispel any such thoughts right away. The link is very definitely going ahead. I’ve received a letter from the Ministry of Transport, [which reads in part] “At present our loans call for completion of this line by 1978. To date a photo mosaic has been prepared covering the total route with tentative route selection made. Photo interpretation of the terrain has been conducted and a land title search has been carried out. Final arrangements are now being made for the carrying out of an environmental impact study. When this and an engineering study have been completed the detailed mapping will be started. It is not expected that a field location survey will commence much before mid-1975.” As more detailed information becomes available I shall be pleased to let you know. This is one of the most important economic projects for that part of Kamloops-Cariboo. It is one of my priorities and I will do all I can to bring it about as quickly as possible.
Ashcroft Fish And Game Club: Any member in the Deer Rack contest please have your antlers measured by Dec. 16 by Ken Brown or Ven Bouck. Also there will be a prize trap shoot at the range Dec. 22 weather permitting, hope to see you at our last shoot of the year.