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Spences Bridge water system users face watering restrictions

Mandatory water conservation measures put in place on July 16 have been reduced, but restrictions remain for users
Users of the Spences Bridge water system are facing restrictions on when they can irrigate following repairs to the system.

Mandatory water conservation measures put in place in Spences Bridge on July 16 have now been reduced, but enhanced watering restrictions are in place for the water system’s approximately 135 customers.

The Thompson-Nicola Regional District (TNRD) and Cook’s Ferry Indian Band (CFIB) have completed repairs on the Spences Bridge community water system and operations have been restored. Well intake capacity has increased, but the enhanced watering restrictions are needed because well recharge rate and pumping capacity are likely unable to meet anticipated maximum daily demands at this time.

As of July 25, irrigation is permitted two days per week. Odd-numbered addresses can water once per day on Monday and Thursday, between 5 a.m. and 9 a.m. or between 6 p.m. and 10 p.m., while even-numbered addresses can water once per day on Tuesday and Friday during the same times.

Hand-watering with a hose equipped with a spring-loaded nozzle is permitted at any time.

The TNRD and CFIB continue to investigate the overall health of the aquifer which supplies the water system, and anticipate keeping these enhanced watering restrictions in place for the remainder of the current irrigating season.

“We thank residents for their cooperation, and we appreciate conservation efforts made by the community to date,” says Tyrone McCabe, the TNRD's Utility Services Manager. “After the water conservation notice was issued on July 16, we saw an instant improvement in our reservoir levels. This cooperation by residents made sure that water remained available for essential uses until our repair work was finished.”

Watering restrictions in the community are unrelated to the Shetland Creek wildfire, which remains active in close proximity to the Spences Bridge area but is not an imminent threat to the area within the community water system boundaries. If water is needed for structural protection equipment in Spences Bridge, fire crews would draw water from the Thompson River, and would not use the community water system.

For information about conserving water, and seasonal watering restrictions that apply to all TNRD community water systems, visit the TNRD Watering Restrictions webpage.