“If your (sic) confused and don’t know what sex you are today, use a tree out in the backyard.”
That was the big, bold message thrown out on lawns and driveways in Chilliwack on Thursday night, in the now-familiar packaging of a clear baggie and a handful of rice. The heading of the letter said ‘TRANSGENDER,’ and the writer? Apparently a fan or even a member of the hate group, the Klu Klux Klan. The bottom included a phone number and a website where people could call to donate money (Black Press has removed the contact information from images in this story).
Numerous calls have come into Chilliwack RCMP over the day on Friday, confirmed Cpl. Mike Rail.
“They were left in around Wiltshire and Spruce and the South Sumas area,” he said, the area around Sardis secondary school. “We have had calls come in and we are investigating.”
The letter says “Transgender is an abomination according to the Kings (sic) James Bible Deuteronomy 22:5.”
It also says “if you have a penis, use the mens room, if you have a vagina, use the ladies room.”
The poster could be in response to the recent heated debate surrounding school trustee Barry Neufeld’s controversial position on a transgender-inclusive teaching resource called SOGI 123.
One of the messages this time happened to land on school trustee Dan Coulter’s lawn, one of only two trustees who have publicly spoke against Neufeld’s often divisive messages he has been posting on Facebook since October. Coulter was the first to speak against Neufeld, while board chair Paul McManus spoke up earlier this week.
READ: Chilliwack school board chair blasts Neufeld over continued Facebook posts
It’s not the first time people with a strong message of hate have thrown bags of rice with posters onto lawns in Sardis in the middle of the night. A flyer previously was about interracial marriages with a similar message from the KKK, announcing White Lives Matter. Similar tactics have been used in Mission and Abbotsford.
READ: RCMP investigate distribution of hate material in Chilliwack
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