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Oasis Plaza declared unsightly

Cache Creek Council declared the plaza unsightly as per its bylaw, but stopped short of invoking fines.
Oasis Plaza in Cache Creek

Cache Creek Council is giving Oasis Plaza owner Joe Carhoun another 30 days to respond after it declared his property “unsightly” under their Unsightly Premises Bylaw at their May 26 meeting.

The declaration carries a daily fine with it for each day the property is left “unsightly”, however Mayor John Ranta convinced Council to give the owner more time - even though Carhoon still hasn’t responded to the Village’s  March 27 request for a meeting.

Council agreed to an amendment suggested by Ranta directing staff to pursue options in order to have property comply with unsightly premises bylaw. Instead of “going too heavy handed” and having staff advise him of the fines for non compliance, he suggested that they send the owner a copy of the bylaw and ask him to contact the Village. He said he was concerned about damaging any co-operation between Carhoon and the Village.

“When I’m out of town,” said Ranta, “people who don’t even live here ask me about it.”