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Tough way to make a living

Tough way to make a living

Riley Isnardy and many more members of his rodeo family will be at the Ashcroft Rodeo this weekend, June 16/17.

Pool gets rough start to the season

Cache Creek Council Briefs from the May 28 meeting.
Cache Creek and a car crazy weekend

Cache Creek and a car crazy weekend

One Hundred and Forty-Two classic cars and trucks were at the Graffiti Days Show 'n Shine in Cache Creek on Saturday.
Blue skies for Clinton Rodeo Parade

Blue skies for Clinton Rodeo Parade

After two years of cold wind and rain, the blue sunny skies were more than welcome.

Reduction in Ashcroft ER hours proposed

IHA reps propose re-listing open hours as they are right now in order to access REEF grant.

Ashcroft phases out open burning

October will mark last of open burning before it's banned in Ashcroft.

Speed limit raised on Hwy 1

Cache Creek's campaign for raising the speed limit on Hwy 1 finally pays off.
Pioneering Parke family honoured

Pioneering Parke family honoured

Long time resident from longer time pioneer ranch family receives BC Cowboy Hall of Fame honour.
Ashcroft Rodeo crowns royalty

Ashcroft Rodeo crowns royalty

Ashcroft and District Rodeo Association anoint a Queen and a Princess to honour 50th anniversary this year.

Increased bus costs put towns on alert

New capital expenses for Ashcroft-Cache Creek-Clinton BC Transit service may double costs for villages.