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Police Report - disturbing people, slippery roads

The weekly crime blotter from the Ashcroft Detachment of the RCMP.

Great year for local bus

After years of ironing out the wrinkles with the community bus, it's finally been a good year in every way.

DeltaPort expansion holds concerns for Ashcroft

Ashcroft Council supports Delta's call for additional assessments.

Ashcroft part of BC's garbage review

Ashcroft Council forms its response to MLA Marvin Hunt as he reviews solid waste in BC,

RDO winter hours reduced

Cache Creek Council agrees to reduced hours, but insists on weekends.
Assessment starts for Squamish LNG plant, pipeline

Assessment starts for Squamish LNG plant, pipeline

B.C. review to examine gas pipeline twinning from Coquitlam to Squamish for LNG export terminal on former Woodfibre pulp mill site
Anderson seeks PC nomination in new riding

Anderson seeks PC nomination in new riding

After 10 years as Mayor of Ashcroft, Andy Anderson sets his sights on the new federal Mission-Matsqui-Fraser Canyon riding.

Garbage exports to US at all time high

BC jurisdictions sent over 19,000 tonnes per month of garbage across the border into the US last year.

Ashcroft Council Briefs - economic development and contract renewals

Notes from the Jan. 12 meeting of the Ashcroft Council.

Cache Creek Council Briefs - road resurfacing and tax referrals

From the Jan. 12 meeting of the Cache Creek Council.