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Oh, Canada!

Oh, Canada!

A beautiful warm and sunny day to celebrate being Canadian.

Garbage disposal puts Cache Creek workers at risk

Garbage collection system and people who don't follow the rules put garbage collection workers at risk.
Construction begins this month on Cache Creek Library

Construction begins this month on Cache Creek Library

The TNRD is building new libraries in Cache Creek and Logan Lake this Summer.

RCMP use spikebelt to stop erratic driver

Ignored several orders to stop, driver and vehicle end up in ditch.

Police Report: RCMP round up several impaireds during Rodeo Weekend

The weekly crime blotter from the Ashcroft RCMP Detachment.
Consul General visits Ashcroft

Consul General visits Ashcroft

The Consul General of Japan and the Consul of Cultural Affairs paid a visit to Ashcroft on June 19.

Local rivers not on flood alert

Higher banks along the Thompson south of Kamloops hold the rising waters at bay.

Clinton man charged with having stolen ATV

Man arrested for riding stolen ATV on Kally Lake Rd.
Ashcroft Rodeo shows off the best of western life

Ashcroft Rodeo shows off the best of western life

Local competitors did very well at the 50th annual Ashcroft Rodeo.
Rodeo Weekend in Ashcroft

Rodeo Weekend in Ashcroft

The Ashcroft and District Rodeo Association held its 50th annual rodeo over the Father's Day weekend.