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Call MP, MLA about doctors

Writer wants readers to phone and write to MP and MLA letting them know that doctor shortage is not acceptable.

Dear Editor

We have a serious shortage of doctors in BC and Alberta. Walk in clinics are becoming more and more common. I think that they are a very poor substitute for a family doctor, who knows his or her patient’s history and can base treatment on that knowledge and also send patients to specialists when necessary.

I think that the government should pay half the tuition cost, so that young people can afford to become doctors - with the proviso that they stay in Canada for at least five years after they are trained.

Phone Mark Strahl’s office at 1-604-847-9711. He is the Federal representative for this area.

Also you can go to Jackie Tegart’s office on Railway Ave. between 10 and 4 on week days. Her office phone number is 250-453-9726.

Let these people know how you feel.

Remember the squeaky wheel gets the grease!

Pat Baker
