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DST is finished - it’s that time again

Haven't we had enough time to solve the disappearing time issue?
THE WOOLY LEAVES OF WILD MULLEIN captured the light frost late last week.

Time. Where did it go and who took it?

To whomever has it, I want the Summer  back!

Everyone I talk to says the same thing: Where did the time go? Where did the summer go? How is it that the year is nearly over when it was just April?

As a topic, time enthralls us just as much as the weather does, and we can spend the rest of our lives disecting and discussing it.

“Time is the longest distance between two places,” said Tennessee Williams.

A similar sentiment was expressed by Zall’s Second Law: “How long a minute is, depends on which side of the bathroom door you’re on.”

However, Murphy’s Second Law seems to be my own personal challenge in this lifetime: “Everything takes longer than you think.”

Adults, of course, have a different sense of time than children do. We mark the passing of time with events. For pre-school children, those events may be birthdays, Christmas or other celebrations. School children may think in terms of birthdays, Christmas and summer vacation.

As we age, we eliminate the birthday celebrations and add things like pay days, mortgage payments, vacation, medical appointments, school events and birthday parties for our children... and the list goes on until we are so focussed on the next “event” that months have passed, even years, before we notice where we are, and that we’re not 18 anymore.

It takes some people longer than others to notice.

For myself, winter weather is something I notice right away. It’s not that I don’t like winter. I just don’t like having to drive in it - which means changing the tires, cleaning the snow and frost off the windows, plugging it in at night, trying to keep to my lane during late night snowfalls, etc. But that is life. We take the good with the bad.

It’s time again for our semi-annual time change to take place. This Sunday, Nov. 2, set your alarms for 2 am so that you can wake up and set your clocks back an hour to 1 am. And that’s just part of the bad.

Wendy Coomber is editor of the Ashcroft-Cache Creek Journal