Dear Editor,
After reading the letter by Anne McKague (“Letters to the Editor, Jan. 13, 2022), I can say from the first sentence it is filled with New Age environmental clichés, starting with the put-down phrase “white privileged”. Might it be better expressed “the harder I work and more morally I act, the more privileged I become.”
When the UN and climate scientists issue a “Code Red for Humanity” it has about as much meaning as the CIA hearing chatter on the internet and trying to scare our pants off. As for phasing out fossil fuels, does the writer know anything about the materials that can replace fossil fuels? Lubricating oils, tires for your Tesla, the pavement beneath your Tesla, electricity to operate your Tesla, fertilizers, plastics, coal for steel making, and every other use.
Does she not realize that almost all the commercially viable old growth forests were clear-cut years ago?
Look Up! And when you do, do you see the chemical sprays from aircraft that haze the whole sky and block the sun, or do you deny the existence of such activity? Can you explain what Net Zero means? Is it a cute, meaningless expression?
To reduce our emissions by 45 per cent all activities, energy consumption, manufacturing, and travel must be reduced by 45 per cent. Are you willing to keep your thermostat that low, eat less imported fruits and vegetables, vacation and drive that much less?
There is much that should be done, but coming up with unreachable goals and no plans to reach them is just a feel good exercise. Remember, the entire world missed the goals set at Rio (1992), Kyoto (1997), Paris (2015), and on it goes.
If there are more realistic goals, people will step up!
Ron Peers
Merritt, B.C.
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