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Letters to the Editor

Thank you for fire assistance, and it’s the same old song of party politics.

Dear Editor,


I just wanted to write to acknowledge all the firefighters and locals who were so brave during the July fire.

My home, at 1034 Highway 97C, was completely destroyed. It has been my retirement dream home since I bought it almost 10 years ago. The neighbours, Scott and Natalie Kellington, Gord and Kori, and Mike Godau have all been amazingly supportive.

Our hearts go out to all who lost their homes at Boston Flats, animals, and structures to the north. Ashcroft is an amazing little town with heart and heritage.

Thank you all.

Lois L. Home

Ashcroft, B.C.

Dear Editor,

I find it very disconcerting that our recently elected MLA is still playing the same old tune of disingenuous partisan politics. The fact is that she pretends to be concerned about job creation, when during the last four years as an elected MLA she and the Liberal Government have done extremely little about creating any family sustaining employment whatsoever.

They talk about a successful LNG campaign that never even got off the ground, except for one operation in Howe Sound, which is only a drop in the bucket of their $100 billion LNG pipe dream.

In their 16 years of government they never got one pipeline built, yet she now iterates how she is so concerned that the new government, and the fiscally conservative Green Party may, shut down something that doesn’t even exist.

She’s worried that saner minds will prevail, and put a stop to a fiscally irresponsible Site C project, that will sell its product for five times less than it costs to produce.

She has been invited to a number of job creation projects in our very own town of Hope on several occasions since being re-elected, and has not even had the courtesy to respond.

If she and the Liberals had any decency, and truly believed in working across party lines to respect the wishes of voters, they would have offered the 60 per cent of constituents who voted for change their wish, instead of their dramatic about-face, which denied their own supporters their wishes.

So let the rhetoric begin. That’s all we’ll hear from the Liberals up until the next election, when you can expect them to be decimated by the new and rising BC Conservative Party, which deserves to replace them and represent the right wing constituency that the modern Liberal Party has abandoned.

Art Green

Hope, B.C.