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Letters to the Editor

Readers write about losses caused by the fire, and the closure of the golf course.

Dear Editor,

The toll of losses suffered during this forest fire destruction in the province has yet to be assessed. It will take time to assess the financial losses, the losses of private property, the cost of fighting this ongoing battle to control the destruction of thousands of acres of forest.

There is one loss, however, that cannot be assessed; and that is the human toll on the lives of the people who have suffered the losses. It’s easy enough to say and to think “Life goes on.” Yes, life does go on; and the human spirit is resilient, capable of rebuilding what has been lost in the way of goods and property. One has only to look on the rebuilding of countries in Europe after the Second World War; countries that had suffered the complete destruction of cities and towns, roads and highways and infrastructure.

Yes, the capacity to heal and rebuild has always been with us. The phrase “Hope springs eternal” is a truism. Already we are seeing, in our small communities, incredible efforts to aid and assist, encourage and support those who have lost so much. Gratitude spills over into the media, for the continued efforts of our firefighters.

Out of the ashes, we can only hope and pray that we have learned something valuable. And when I say we, I mean our provincial and federal governments. We can hope for and expect much better management of our forests, for example. We can only hope that the environment will see the development of resources as sustainable. We have only one planet on which to live and grow, and develop responsibly to ensure the future for our children and grandchildren.

I am hopeful that the destruction of our beautiful Cariboo habitat will result in its improved management. The cutbacks that have occurred over the last two generations have greatly limited our capacity to do what should have been done. Management of grasslands and forests is absolutely essential to ensure our progress in the future.

Esther Darlington

Ashcroft, B.C.

Dear Editor,

The Semlin Valley Golf Club’s management and ownership regret to announce that, as a result of the wildfire situation, business has suffered to the extent that it has been forced to close for the remainder of the season. The golf course traditionally closes on October 15.

In announcing the decision, club officials said they had been trying their best to re-open the course for August 4, but continued dense smoke combined with highway closures prevented any kind of a successful return to business. There are also repairs to wildfire damage that destroyed two washrooms as well as extensive lengths of fencing. That—in conjunction with ongoing expenses that are incurred on a regular basis, whether open or not—compelled officials to declare the business closed for the rest of 2017.

In a related announcement, the club’s board of directors voted to dissolve the not-for-profit society, which had been administering the affairs of the course since its inception in 1983. In 2018, it will be run by the ownership group or another entity willing to lease and operate the golf course.

The golf club wishes to thank all its patrons for their support and patience throughout this very trying summer.

Norm Jewison

Cache Creek, B.C.