Denman Island: Sailor gets surprise from humpback whale
Jodi Klahm-Kozicki said she came across a humpback whale while out on her 34-foot sailboat. Watch more >
Prince Rupert: Horde of zombies meet at courthouse
In plain daylight, a horde of zombies arrived at the Prince Rupert courthouse to walk through downtown core. Watch more >
Comox Valley: Youtuber exits homemade, air-tight ‘biodome’ after 14 hours
Kurtis Baute sealed himself into the airtight “biodome” to raise awareness about the impacts of climate change. Watch more >
Vancouver Island: Meet B.C.’s oldest lawyer
Constance Isherwood, 98, has served her community as a lawyer for more than 67 years. Watch more >
B.C.: 2018 Poppy Campaign begins
Beginning the last Friday of October, the annual Poppy Campaign runs until Remembrance Day and strives to raise funds to support Canadian Armed forces and the RCMP veterans. Watch more >
Have a cool video from across B.C. you’d like to share? Email Black Press Media reporter Ashley Wadhwani with ‘REPLAY’ in the subject line.
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