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Comings & Goings On

Monthly round up of community news and events in Spences Bridge

Steelhead Season

As December approaches things seem to get very busy. Spences Bridge is no exception – there’s lots going on!

The Steelhead eatch and release sport fishery opened on the Thompson River on Oct. 29 and it’s been great to see the anglers descend on Spences Bridge and try their hand at catching this world famous fish.

The Spences Bridge Steelhead Advocacy Association (SBSAA) has been lobbying for a change in the Dept. of Fisheries river opening policy. Currently, the river is closed on Oct. 1 until the Albion count of fish determines that there are enough Steelhead returning to warrant opening of the sport fishery. It seems that no one, including the Ministry of Environment, actually believes the numbers from the Albion count.

The SBSAA would much prefer to see the Thompson open to start with, and if it is apparent that the returns of steelhead are low, then consider closing the river. What is becoming apparent is that the Ministry of Environment is using the sport fishery closure as leverage for discussing salmon openings with the  Dept. of Fisheries – to no avail.

In the meantime, and on a positive note, the tales of Steelhead being caught this season are many! And Spences Bridge welcomes the return of many friends!

Just in time for the fishing season, the Baits Motel has completed a substantial portion of the renovations and is open for business! How wonderful to see the newly brightly painted motel back in action.


The Spences Bridge Volunteer Fire Dept. is very happy to have three brave souls step up to the plate andå take their first responders course. There are two responders in town currently, and we are so thankful to have them. However, when one or both of them are out of town it will be great to have three more to rely on.

The Fire Dept. is always looking for new volunteers. They meet/practice every other Thursday – (the second and fourth Thursday of the month). A big thank-you must go out to all our volunteers and our Fire Chief Arnie Oram, who works tirelessly for this town! Thanks too to all those who have been contributing to the Fire Dept. by donating empties – over $1,000 has been raised by these efforts!

Games night

Everyone is welcome to come to the old school every other Thursday (the first and third). Play cards, chess, checkers, back gammon... the piano, and if we can get the Wii going again there are lots of active games there to be played. There is no need to get cabin fever – come out and socialize and exercise the brain!

Election results

I must take this opportunity to congratulate Steve Rice on his successful campaign to be our new TNRD Director! In an unincorporated village like Spences Bridge it is so important to have a strong voice for the rural communities in how are local tax dollars are spent, and I know that Steve is going to take that challenge head on!

Thanks must go to Barry Tait, outgoing Director, for nine years of service in this position.

Free activities

The Community Club has applied for another New Horizon’s senior’s grant to continue providing arts, culture, and computer literacy, prevent senior isolation, and to bring all community members together to share their skills, culture, and to become leaders and mentors in their own community.

A carryover from last year’s program is Drop In Soup Day Wednesday. Lots of folks are supplying nice vats of soup for all to enjoy. Thanks to everyone for taking this on and continuing with a good thing!

A few other “carry overs’ are the Pine Needle Basket Making every Wednesday - everyone is welcome, bring a different craft / hobby if you like, and Painting has also continued on a drop in basis on Thursdays – everyone is welcome.

The Centre itself is open for folks to drop in, use the computers, take a book from the bright red bookshelf, relax and read some magazines, play the piano and so on.

Equipment here

Speaking of computers, the Community Access Program grant did come through, and the iMac is there for you!

As well as the computer, there is a state of the art digital video camera, a camera, a video projector, and an iPad! Dwayne Rourke, our site co-ordinator  is available to teach you  how to use it all on Wednesdays from 2–4 pm, or by appointment. The equipment is also available to sign out – go make a movie!  (Contact Dwayne at 250-458-2548).

Thanks to a Youth Intern grant, on Saturday mornings Dylan Ryan is there at the CAP site to teach you all you need to know about computer programs, pages,  music recordings, keynote presentations, photo editing and so much more. Stop by between 9:30 am and noon.

Important dates

Events at the Chief Whistemnitsa Complex are as follows:

Dec. 1: Decorating Cook’s Ferry Gymnasium for all upcoming Christmas Events.  Everyone encouraged to lend a hand!

Dec. 11: Spences Bridge Community Christmas Luncheon. Turkey and Ham will be provided – all else is pot luck. Santa has been invited, please let his helpers know if your child will be there. Doors open at 10:30 am. Everyone welcome!

Dec. 15: Elders’ Gift Exchange Luncheon. Doors open 11 am, For more info,  call Cook’s Ferry Band 250-458-2224.

Regular activities are as follows: Mondays – Badminton 5–7, Volleyball 7 & on, Tuesdays – Bingo 5:30–6:30, Movie night 5:30. For more info, call Cook’s Ferry at 458-2224.

And remember – Christmas Bazaar Dec. 3 at Clemmes Hall on Hwy 8. Doors open at  6:30.

Ham & Turkey Bingo Dec. 9 at Clemmes Hall on Hwy 8, early bird at 6:30.

New Year’s Dance is a definite go! Get your tickets early!

Mavourneen Varcoe-Ryan