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Don't be SAD, get out and be active

Wayne Little's monthly column on health and fitness and motivation.
Some members of the Desert Hills Try Club: Tracy Kubik

Feeling depressed, anxious, unhappy, low on energy, having food cravings or noticing weight gain among countless other symptoms? Well it could be two things, either your sad, or you have SAD -  Seasonal Affective Disorder.

SAD strikes many people and it is very noticeable in winter into early spring. It is a form of depression  that tends to occur when the days become shorter. Its colder and the days are shorter outside so we don’t want to exercise outdoors anymore. Apparently the farther away from the Equator you live, the more likely you are to get the disorder.

What are some treatment options to help with SAD? Getting away for a vacation to a warmer climate with more sunlight helps. Taking Vitamin D supplements, and once again - the old exercise thing.  Staying motivated and keeping your metabolism up with regular exercise will do wonders.

Although the days aren’t as short as they were a couple months ago, they still are short. Bundle up in layers and get outside to get the blood flowing and soak up whatever little daylight we have. This is the time of the year when it’s very important to stay motivated. My wife and I found tricky little methods to keep it up. In November I found an awesome 30 day Ab Challenge on YouTube and we followed that. In December, we joined a run challenge where every day we had to run at least one mile. Now my wife is involved with the “Beat the Bulge 60-day Challenge”. She has to eat properly and exercise to cut down the fat, and replace it with muscle. Myself, I’m doing eight months of training for Ironman in Whistler.

If you are having troubles keeping motivated to exercise by yourself. At least come out for one of our runs with the Desert Hills Try Club. Every Saturday or Sunday runners of all different levels join up for a little run.

Of course, maybe you don’t have SAD, you just hate winter, like I do. Well, I shouldn’t say I hate winter, I just like summer a lot more.

Wayne Little