The Ashcroft-Cache Creek Seniors’ Association had a better than average attendance at its Nov. 19 meeting and heard from all areas of our programs that more and more members are coming out to take part in our various activities. This is very heartening news for all the hard workers who plan our programs and work so hard on members’ behalf, because participation had fallen off somewhat, for many reasons - health, moving to other areas, lack of mobility, you name it.
After our potluck lunch, Alice Durksen from the Wellness Health Action Coalition (WHAC) gave us an interesting overview of the upcoming health update meeting on Wednesday, Nov. 25 at 4:30pm in the Village Office. Our two new doctors who are expected to take up their positions in February 2016 on three year contracts will be there and so will our MLA Jackie Tegart.
I am sure we will all breathe a sigh of relief when our medical situation is back to normal, and it would be wonderful if there actually are the five doctors we hope for here in Ashcroft in the fairly near future, but in the meantime let us give Doctors Obu and Zake a most warm welcome.
On Saturday, Nov. 28 at 1pm we will be holding our Tea and Bazaar. We ask members to bring their donations of crafts and baked goods to the hall on Friday. Regular activities will be cancelled that day for the set-up, and on Saturday for the event. Everyone is welcome to come and have afternoon tea and see (and buy!) the interesting work that Kathy and her helpers will be showing, and the delicious items from the bake table.
There will also be prizes to be won from the tickets and raffles. Events like this are one of ways we raise money to keep the group going , so we hope you will support us in this aim.
Our Christmas dinner will be held at the Legion on Dec. 16 and doors will be open at 11:30 am for a noon start to the meal. If you would like to come, please let Muriel Scallon know and please see that you get your name on the list and pay the $16 cost before Nov. 30. All members are most warmly welcome to join us.
It is time to renew your annual membership when the New Year comes around again. Fifteen dollars gets you a lot of fun and games, fellowship and laughter and a relaxing atmosphere with friends, and anyone over 55 is eligible to become a member. If you don’t belong already, please consider joining us when January rolls around!
Our last meeting for 2015 will be held on Dec. 17 and will be a potluck lunch followed by the business meeting and the last card games for the year. We will reopen on Monday, Jan. 4 at 12:30pm for Bridge and from there on the usual schedule will be operating.
I know many of us have wakeful hours sometimes in the night, and I had one recently. It was after the signing in of our new MPs and I had watched the ceremony on TV. It was followed by a parade down the aisle of the Chamber of the new members almost dancing their way through the crowds, some of them carrying their small children.
It was a time of congratulation for them, and for many a whole new experience. For so many it would be their first time in positions of such responsibility. As I am sure anyone who has gone into any new position - in even any small local organisation or operation - full of enthusiasm and keen to do the job well, there are an amazing number of unseen pitfalls ahead and for as many good wishes we start out with, there can be as many unhelpful critics around ready to give their opinions.
So it was in the middle of the night that I sent then my silent wishes for success and for sympathy when the facts don’t match their expectations. I think they are very brave to shoulder such tasks.
Then I began to ask myself questions. Why do we have a Parliament? What do we expect parliament to do for us? We know that we have had many promises, but will they be carried out? How can they do all they have promised? How will they spend our tax money? Will they protect our country and lifestyle and not take away the customs and usage we are accustomed to?
Needless to say, I didn’t come up with much in the way of answers! In whatever manner these members in their new offices manage to cope with all the demands of the public, we should all remember when we think of criticising, that they are taking on a job that few of us would ever dare to tackle, and for that alone, they should have our respect.
Looking forward to seeing you at all our upcoming events, do drop in and see us!
Joyce West