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Online community channel coming to area

Channel will be a blend of YouTube and Netflix and showcase the area’s towns, attractions, and more
Video equipment donated to the Ashcroft HUB by the Ash-Creek TV Society will be used to help create a cutting edge online community channel. Stock photo.

An exciting new venture at the Ashcroft HUB is being described as “cutting edge” by Vicky Trill, the HUB’s executive director.

Speaking about the proposed new online community channel—which is currently looking for two full-time employees to create, manage, and implement it—Trill says that “There’s nothing like this out there. Jan Schmitz and I did research about what other communities do, and no one does anything like this. It’s quite innovative.”

Trill explains that the HUB received the video equipment from the Ash-Creek TV Society when that organization decided to concentrate on radio. Rather than see the equipment go to waste, it was given to the HUB to use as they saw fit.

“They had wonderful equipment,” says Trill, “and they wanted to see it being used. Jan did some wonderful brainstorming sessions [regarding how best to make use of the equipment], and now we’re moving forward.”

The online community channel would be something like a combination of Netflix and YouTube. Trill explains that in the same way you can go to Netflix and get different tabs depending on the genre you’re interested in, the community channel would feature tabs for different businesses, local organizations, tourism sites and providers, job opportunities, and more.

Tabs would contain links to different online content, such as videos, which viewers could watch at their leisure.

Trill says that it’s envisioned that in the early stages work will be done to see what content is out there and available, and the site will link to it. After that, content can be created using the video equipment to fill gaps.

“If you click on tourism you might see more about the Ashcroft mosaics. We could have an emergency tab, where you can click for links to emergency resources. You could look on different tabs for the communities we serve [Ashcroft, Cache Creek, the Ashcroft Band, the Bonaparte Band, and the surrounding area].

“I’ve had a wonderful time working with the committee so far. It’s my first time working with representatives from all the communities on a project. We have some great minds with unique perspectives and lots of history.”

It’s suggested that the Winding Rivers Arts & Performance Society could have a tab with links to the two full-length WRAPS theatre productions that are on YouTube, and Trill agrees.

“Jan has had some cool ideas [for content], like a video that would show what it takes behind the scenes to do a play: the set design and building, costumes, make-up.

“Live streaming is another thing we’d like to do. That way people can participate from wherever they are. And we’d be able to host webinars, so people don’t have to drive to Kamloops for workshops.”

The HUB is now looking for two full-time Communications Broadcaster apprentices, who are being funded through WorkBC’s job creation program.

“Applicants need to be on EI, or have been on it within the last five years, and either be unemployed or under-employed. We have an allowance to train them for their Communications Broadcasting certificate from York University [online]. And we have a budget to purchase equipment we don’t have.”

Trill says that the sky’s the limit for the project. “We can do anything we want to do, but it will take time. I’m really inspired by the communities all working together.

“And it’s another way we can bring the world here. People can watch things on the channel, and hopefully they’ll say ‘I have to visit that place.’”

Applications for the two Communications Broadcaster apprentice positions are being accepted until March 22 (the positions start April 1: “That’s no joke!” says Trill). Any qualifying person who is interested can find out more about what the position entails by visiting The Ashcroft HUB Society Facebook page or contacting the HUB (250-453-9177 or Resumes and cover letters can be dropped off at the HUB (711 Hill Street, Ashcroft), emailed to, or mailed to P.O. Box 599, Ashcroft, B.C., V0K 1A0.

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