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Rockin’ and Talkin’ with the Clinton Seniors’ Association

Ways to give your life some direction

It was the best kind of November day. Cold and crisp, but not quite freezing, not icy.

Rainbow Rowell

November. The frenzy of fall has subsided. You’ve carved pumpkins, planted fall flowers, and pulled out your favourite warm sweaters. You’re done with Halloween costumes and candy and look forward to a month of relative peace and quiet until the busy-ness of Christmas begins.

You get to take a deep breath of crisp air and wonder how long before the snow and cold of winter will settle in. Well, this year it surprised us all by arriving before Halloween. Were you ready for the white stuff that graced your lawn and buildings just last week?

In one of my favourite magazines I came across an article titled “The Be-Attitudes”, written by Victor M. Parachin. I thought it was a clever play on words on the Biblical Beatitudes, the pronouncements in the Sermon on the Mount.

This article claimed that rather than drift aimlessly through life, there are ways to give ourselves direction in order to build a stronger (spiritual) life.

Be hopeful: No matter how difficult or challenging your present circumstances may be, continue to believe the best, work for the best, and hope for the best. How do you know that the unexpected, unpleasant event that’s just come suddenly into your life isn’t a blessing in disguise?

Be gentle and kind: There’s power in unleashed kindness.

Be skillful: When troubles come your way, allow that difficulty to enlarge and expand you. Elizabeth Kubler-Ross has said that “Beautiful people don’t just happen. Beautiful people are those who have known defeat, suffering, loss, and have found their way out of these depths.

“These persons have an appreciation, a sensitivity and an understanding of life that fills them with compassion, gentleness, and a deep, loving concern.”

Be generous: “A generous man will himself be blessed” (Proverbs 22:9). Give to whomever you can, whenever you can, and as much as you can.

Be patient: It’s especially important to exercise this virtue when life is awkward and difficult. You’ve probably heard the expression “Bloom where you’re planted.” We have to do our best right where we are, not give in to discouragement and self-pity.

Be positive: Negativity deepens a crisis and initiates a downward spiral. Being positive is not only better emotionally, but actually has physical benefits. An authentic Heart Institute study discovered that hypertensive patients could lower their blood presure by adopting positive thinking attitudes.

Be just: Work hard towards justice whenever you encounter situations of bias and discrimination.

Be persistent: Do not become weary of doing good, doing the right thing for the right reason. By not being persistent you run the risk of quitting prematurely and never acheiving the desired outcome.

Be caring: When we see needs we are obligated to respond. We should look not only to our own interests, but also to the interests of others.

We’re admonished to reach out and touch someone. William Arthur Ward, in his wisdom, said “Three keys to more abundant living: caring about others, daring for others, sharing with others.”

The Clinton Seniors’ Association will host Marketplace, their annual fundraiser, on Nov. 4 at the Clinton Memorial Hall from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Vendors will offer a variety of goods for purchase, and there will be a concession. Come and find a bargain!

On Nov. 16 the Clinton Seniors’ Association will hold its regular meeting following a noon lunch at the Clinton Seniors’ Centre (217 Smith Avenue). The organization’s Annual General Meeting will commence immediately after the regular meeting. You are welcome to come and join us!

There are no member birthdays to celebrate in November.

Aging is just another word for living.

Cindy Joseph