On September 6 at 2 p.m., seven ladies met in Zion United Church hall to begin a new season of activities for the United Church Women. The summer break sped by as usual.
President Reta Robertson opened the meeting with warm words of welcome for everyone. Joyce Freeman led the devotional, taken from Program Ready by Dorothy McNeill. It was a very appropriate devotional, with words that seemed to fit our group, as we are getting older, and some of us are not as well as we would like to be, noting that sometimes we have to back off a little more.
The scripture was Acts 2: 43–47, and the message in the devotional reminded us that sometimes we have to say “No” to jobs that come up. Otherwise we are still functioning as best we can; we do enjoy the fellowship we have in doing things together, but with fewer people to do things it is hard. The agenda was adopted as circulated and the June minutes were accepted as written. There was no old business to attend to at this time. Many pieces of correspondence were viewed: Carmen’s news update, a spreadsheet from First United Church community Ministry Society about their work, and a Naramata Centre Society newsletter. The Canadian Bible Society sent a thank you for all the used stamps that were sent to them, so we pass that thanks on to all in the community who save these stamps for us. We could not do this work without you.
We received a brochure from Our Daily Bread Ministries of Canada, with a free book offer which we will accept.The Westbank United Church UCW will be hosting a one-day meeting on September 22 beginning at 9 a.m., but we had to decline the invitation because of the early hour. Reports were next on the agenda, beginning with the treasurer’s written report by Colleen Mierau; Shirley Dobson has backed off the job at the moment.
Thank you to Colleen for taking on this job again. Dorothy Pears, our Sunshine Lady, gave her report orally. Phyllis Gray, publicity, gave her report next, and Reta Robertson reported for Hilda Drinkwater, who is away, regarding archives. Reta also reported verbally for outreach. She received many Campbell’s labels and used stamps, so once again thank you to all who save these for our outreach work, which helps with Christian work elsewhere. We paused for refreshments and a time of fellowship, then discussed plans for a stay at home tea as a fundraiser in October; so watch for an invitation to participate in this. Thank you!
Our next UCW meeting will be on October 3 at 2 p.m.. Please note that this is a Monday for this meeting, only because of a medical appointment on the Tuesday. Devotional and refreshments for this meeting were planned. We closed with the UCW benediction at 3:20 p.m.. If any ladies are interested in our work and would like to join us as a guest, they would be most welcome.