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Thank you from the seniors centre

A reader writes to thank all who supported the recent Strawberry Tea at the seniors centre.

Dear Editor,

The Ashcroft/Cache Creek Seniors would like to thank all who came out for our Strawberry Tea and enjoyed the strawberries, cake, and whipped cream that we served.

We want to thank Dairy Queen for the strawberries, all the members who baked the cakes, and all our helpers on the preparation and clean-up days. You are our champions.

Councillor Lisa Dafoe represented Cache Creek mayor John Ranta, and mayor Jack Jeyes came from Ashcroft. Thank you for coming.

The door prize was won by Jack Jeyes, and the solar light was won by Harold Nichol. The “bucket” auction was also a great success.

See you in October for our Fall Bazaar.

Muriel Scallon,
