Quesnel West Highway 26
The east end of Batnuni Lake is about 1.5 km from the Swede Lake road where there is a recreation site and boat launch. Another rough recreation site is located at the west end of this nine-km-long wild stock lake but the road access to it can best be described as primitive. There are rainbow trout, kokanee, bull trout and lake trout. The kokanee and rainbows will average around one pound, but rainbows will occasionally go over four pounds. The kokanee are plentiful and are taken on trolled lures or flasher strings and worms. Bull trout will answer to the same hook-ups, but not as actively as the kokanee. There’s good fly fishing for rainbows over the shallows around the islands. Troll deep for the lake trout with medium-sized plugs or large metal wobblers. Accommodations, boats and other services are available.
Flowing into the Fraser River north of Quesnel, Blackwater River is reached by taking the Blackwater Road northwest from Quesnel. Offering good fly fishing with wild stock rainbows to about two pounds or better, July through October is the most productive season. There are some user-maintained camp spots along the river. About 125 km from Quesnel, by way of the Nazko Road, is another access to the Blackwater River, and this road joins the Euchiniko River road about 48 km north of the Blackwater River bridge. The junction of the Nazko and Euchiniko roads is about 96 km from Quesnel by way of Blackwater. Special restrictions: consult the current Fresh Water Fishing Regulations Synopsis before fishing on the Blackwater River as this is a classified water.
This pretty lake is part of the Euchiniko River chain, two and a half km west of Titetown Lake. It has wild stock rainbows and bull trout to a couple of pounds. Fly fishing and spinning runs from good to excellent. There’s a well laid out recreation site with good access for cartoppers or trailered boats. Excellent tenting sites are also available.
Sometimes referred to locally as Six Mile Lake, this lake is reached by a paved road (Nazko Road) running west from the City of Quesnel. It is close to Quesnel, west of the Fraser River and regularly produces rainbows up to three pounds from May through October. Spinning and trolling are both used to take these trout, but flies will also do the trick. There is no campsite or recreation facilities at Bouchie Lake, but a good boat launch is available on the south side.
Somewhat confusing, these lakes form part of the West Road River, not the Euchiniko River, and are reached by traveling 113 km of dirt road west of Nazko. With wild stock rainbows and lake trout to five pounds by trolling or spinning, the season runs from April through October. Some accommodations and services are available, including camping and boat rentals. Road conditions vary with the weather and four-by-four vehicles are recommended. To be safe, seek local advice on road conditions.
Take the Nazko Road west from Quesnel and branch west, just past the Nazko store, onto a good, all-weather, gravel access road for another 15 km. Total distance from Quesnel is 125 km and the access road is well-signed but be aware of heavy logging traffic. Fly fishing, spinning and trolling all meet with success in connecting with the Blackwater strain of rainbows which can weigh up to seven pounds. There’s a small recreation site as well as a resort offering services and facilities.
This lake is located three km west of Boat Lake. A recreation site is located at the east end of the lake, but it hasn’t had much development. Steep sloping lakeshore makes launching of anything other than light portables or canoes next to impossible. There’s some good fly fishing and spinning for rainbows and bull trout in this wild stock lake, and also in the stretch of Euchiniko River downstream from the outlet of the lake.
Located two km west of the Nazko Store, the lake has been stocked with rainbows, some of which will now weigh as much as six pounds. These well-fed trout can be taken on flies and small spinning lures but they have a reputation for being choosy. There is a recreation site with camp space on the lakeshore and cartop boats can be launched here.
This lake produces rainbow at about one pound and brook trout that will go a couple of pounds. It gets stocked regularly with brookies, so can stand a fair bit of pressure. To reach Milburn, continue past Bouchie Lake on the Nazko Road, and about 16 km from Quesnel, an access road turns off to the north. It’s approximately one and a half km on this road to the lake which has no facilities or services available. Cartoppers can be launched. It’s also a popular ice fishing spot.
Take the Nazko Road for 96 km west from Quesnel. This is a good all-weather road. The river offers good fly fishing with wild stock rainbows throughout the summer, and these can weigh up to three pounds. Low water levels in mid-summer will affect fishing for both bull trout and rainbows. Unorganized camp space is available at numerous locations along the river and other services can be found at the village of Nazko.
Ten km west of the Nazko-Euchiniko road junction, take the forest access road north for four km to a recreation site on Pelican Lake. There’s excellent fishing for wild stock rainbows with two-and-a-half pound and three pound trout being fairly common. These are taken mainly by trolling lures, worms or other bait. Flies are also good at times. There are two recreation sites providing camp space and boat launching, but no other services or facilities. Use is heavy throughout the summer season, especially on weekends.
Take the Blackwater Road northwest from Quesnel, but continue north after crossing the Blackwater River instead of taking the road west to Batnuni. The lake is about 105 km from Quesnel and has rainbows that average around one-and-a-half pounds. These trout take flies readily, especially early in the season or at dawn and dusk throughout the summer. Trolling is the most popular method for going after Punchaw trout, particularly during the mid-summer season. The lake gets very heavy pressure as it is easily accessible from Quesnel and Prince George. A public recreation site provides limited camp space, but no other facilities or services are available. Road access is generally good.
This lake is about 35 km west of Quesnel on the Nazko Road. There are rainbow trout in the lake, but they are not noted for providing an active fishery. However, trout to about a pound can be taken in this wild lake. There is a day use recreation site with washroom facilities, but no other services are available at the lake.
A small lake four km west of Hanham Lake, this lake branches left onto the Swede Lake forest access road and crosses the Euchiniko River to a small, rough recreation site. Steep banks make boat launching difficult.
No Ice Fishing; trout daily quota = 1; bait ban; single barbless hook; no powered boats
About 48 km from Quesnel on the Nazko Road (just west of Sylvia’s Cafe), branch south for one km. A 400-metre walk will take you to the lakeshore of this small wild stock lake that supports a population of rainbows with some weighing up to five pounds. No facilities or services are available.
Titetown Lake is 24 km west of the Nazko road junction to the recreation site on the west end of this long lake that is actually a widening of the Euchiniko River. Reports are of good wild stock fly fishing for rainbow trout to two pounds, and spinning and trolling for bull trout that will go to three pounds and better. There are numerous summer homes and residences at the west end of the lake.
Fifty-six km south of Quesnel, by way of the West Fraser Road, head west across Narcosli Creek. The road is in good condition and suitable for all conventional vehicles. With wild stock rainbow trout from 10 to 15 inches that are taken on flies, spinning tackle, or trolls, there’s good fishing from early May through July.
Highway 97 Access
Thirty-seven km east of Strathanver and the Cariboo Highway (45 km north of Quesnel) on good, gravel, forest access road, this wild stock 11-km long lake has rainbows averaging around one-and-a-half pounds and will produce all summer long. Trolling or spinning gear is the popular choice, but flies also meet with success. There’s a recreation site at the north end of the lake where boats can be launched. Be on the alert for logging traffic when travelling this road.
Just east of the Cariboo Highway, about three km south of Quesnel, Dragon Lake produces large rainbows that may weigh as much as 12 pounds. Fly fishing, spinning or trolling are all used to contact these big rainbows. Camp space and a boat launch is available at the lake. All other services and facilities can be found in Quesnel. Non-native species alert! Dragon Lake does have a species of goldfish which are considered invasive.
Special restrictions: no fishing southeast of a line between signs on opposite shores of the bay at the mouth of Hallis Creek, Apr 1 - May 31. Trout daily quota — one.
Twenty-four km north of Quesnel on the west side of Highway 97, this small lake has been stocked with brook trout. Fly fishing and spinning are popular methods, as the lake is too small for trolling. The trout are half-pounders, but will go to two pounds. There’s a highway rest stop at the lake and cartoppers can be launched. Special Restrictions: no power boats.
Located west of Highway 97, 11 km north of Quesnel, this lake has some nice rainbows that will go to five pounds. This lake has been stocked with kokanee which provide both a great summer fishery as well as ice fishing. A popular spot with Quesnel residents, it gets a lot of pressure. Boats, a boat launch, accommodations and camping are available. A fishing dock has been installed to increase angler opportunity.
Highway 26
These wild stock lakes are within Bowron Lake Provincial Park and form a 116-km waterway that is a world famous canoe route. There is also some fine fishing available in these lakes. Isaac and Indianpoint Lakes are probably the best fishing prospects. They contain rainbows, kokanee, lake trout and bull trout. Trolling with bait or hard lures has proven to be the most successful system for catching the fish in these lakes.
Hunter Lake lies just north of Sandy Lake, at the southwest corner of this chain of lakes, and has a reputation for providing some excellent fly fishing for rainbows, but it is a walk-in proposition. There are various restrictions on Bowron Lake. Please refer to the regulations synopsis for the latest, most detailed information.
About 113 km west of Quesnel on the Barkerville Highway, this wild stock lake has rainbows, bull trout and lake trout. Trolling is the most popular method of fishing here, but flies and spinning lures will also turn on the rainbows. There’s camping and boat launching at the lake, with all other services and facilities at the nearby town of Wells. Fish from this lake are not recommended for consumption, as mercury levels may exceed public health standards. Special restrictions: Warning: Lake Trout over 45 cm may contain elevated mercury levels. Limit your consumption.