1. I have lived in Cache Creek for most of my life.
2. Retired business person.
3. Not in affiliation with any particular group. There are many, many ways to help others in need - to belong to any particular organization is the prerogative of an individual, not a prerequisite to be a good friend, a good neighbour, a good Samaritan, or just to be a good human being.
4. I have been on Cache Creek Council before, served several terms as a TNRD Director, and in that capacity, was appointed to the local hospital board.
5. The sustainability of the village, as a vibrant community, in which most basic services are still available, or nearby.
No need to mention Health Care, we are all on the same page on this issue, and any questions about education will be answered by the candidates who run for School Board, I am sure, albeit I would love to make a comment about the $2 million demands in benefits by the BCTF.
6. I am tired of the cliché “we must think outside the box.” The time has come to look and see what is still “inside” that box before the box is empty altogether. Young people already are forced to leave because of the lack of opportunities, and I see none on the horizon. Meanwhile, Seniors and retired people who have moved here will also be forced to move elsewhere, even to Ashcroft, no pun indented, because of the lack of even the smallest version of a facility they could move to.
7. A vote for me is not going to turn Cache Creek into a booming metropolis any time soon, but I do have the time and energy to be an effective and determined member of Council the moment I sit down. I do not belong to any political party, and the only leader in our recent history I could look up to was Preston Manning, and his philosophy that people must have a voice, and not only at election time.