I am a first time candidate for council in Cache Creek.
I have lived in Cache Creek for four years and have operated my business for seven years, which is located just outside of Cache Creek.
Many local people are aware of what I do, as when you drive to Kamloops you “may” detect an odour from the mushroom compost I produce and market to mushroom farms at the coast.
It has been a wonderful place to operate this venture and it has proven to be sustainable and viable with a long term outlook ahead. I have a good working relationship and support many suppliers and mechanical shops in Cache Creek.
I have been very fortunate to have a hard working and dedicated staff with the majority living in Cache Creek.
Living most of my life in major cities, I now appreciate and respect the privileges that a small town like Cache Creek offer, with friendly people and helpful good neighbours - traits that larger communities can only strive for.
I also see challenges ahead and current issues that I feel I can help address. With the downsizing of the landfill and the erosion of small business that has taken place since I have been here, I feel the revitalization of the business core is what my skill set best would serve.
I will support the promotion of Cache Creek with all the favourable attributes it has to offer small business. We need to attract good paying jobs to support families and to develop the kind of services that would help retires determine whether to stay and enjoy a good affordable lifestyle.
Cache Creek has been managed well. We run without a deficit and our taxation is one of the lowest. Keeping as a foundation and guideline the Official Community Plan, I would bring vigour and a way of “thinking outside the box” to support the mayor and councils’ proposals and decisions. However, I am also capable and prepared to stand my ground on issues about which I feel strongly.
I have prospered here and that has enabled me the time and will needed to serve the community that has helped make this prosperity possible. I will look forward to the responsibility council deserves and, at the same time, always be willing to listen to all concerns raised by individuals and the community at large. Please email to: jlambertforcouncil@hotmail.ca with any comment or concerns.