1. Since 1968.
2. Businessman.
3. Ashcroft Karate Club, Chamber of Commerce, TV Society, Nl’Akapxm Eagle Motorplex, Southern Interior Drag Racers Association. If you want to go waaaay back then cubs, scouts, Ventures, Swim Club.
4. Yes. Village of Cache Creek Council. Since 1988 - Looong time
5. Finance, continued controlling costs, Jobs, Landfill, Economic Development, Recreational Facilities.
6. Continue to develop and improve our facilities to allow our citizens young and old to have opportunities for activities as well as making Cache Creek a desirable place to locate new businesses and to live in. Continue to promote and explore all opportunities with regards to the landfill. Continued oversight on budget income and expenses to keep our taxes at a rate that is attractive to enticing business to invest in Cache Creek.
7. Cache Creek Mayor and Council have worked hard to provide the best facilities, water and sewer systems, and infrastructure to take us far into the future.
We have controlled costs and made the most of our investments to enable a low and stable tax rate. We need to continue to explore all avenues of economic development as well as optimize our landfill to remove our dependence on the Lower Mainland.