by Susan Swan
The weather didn’t cooperate but that didn’t deter those attending the 147th Clinton Annual Ball on Saturday, May 17.
With Her Honour Judith Guichon, Lieutenant Governor of BC in attendance as well as Cathy McLeod, MP Kamloops-Thompson-Cariboo and not one but two MLAs, Jackie Tegart and Eric Foster, it was an evening of pomp and ceremony.
Prior to the arrival of the Hat Creek Ranch stagecoach bearing the dignitaries, Councillor Susan Swan addressed those assembled, explaining the protocol for hosting the Lieutenant Governor.
With bag pipes and an RCMP and Rocky Mountain Ranger escort, Her Honour entered the Clinton Memorial Hall along with the other dignitaries. Mayor Jim Rivett welcomed the special guests and introduced the Head Table.
The Honourable Judith Guichon addressed those assembled, giving some history of the province of BC and of the Clinton Annual Ball.
A lovely Beef Wellington dinner, prepared by the Ladies Auxiliary to the Legion Branch 194, was enjoyed by all. This group has been doing a lot of catering lately and their meals just get better and better. It is a lot of work to prepare meals for 140 people and get them served in a timely manner, but they did it.
Following the dinner, Cathy McLeod gave a toast to the Queen and then it was time to dance. The Evergreen Drifters kept the music coming much to the enjoyment of all.
During their intermission Comedy Magician Clinton W. Gray entertained with his quick repartee and slight of hand. With assistance from a number of people from the audience he delighted with various illusions.
The door prize this year was a weekend for two at Big Bar Guest Ranch. Ball Committee Treasurer, Yvette May drew the winning name - long time Annual Ball supporter, Don Rose of Clinton. Congratulations, Don!
Judges Andy May, Christine Rivett and Alice Crosson had the difficult task of choosing the winners of the awards for most elegant lady, most dapper gentleman and finest couple.
Eric Foster, MLA presented the award for Most Elegant Lady to Joan Gentles. Jackie Tegart, MLA, presented the Most Dapper Gentleman award to Bill Cameron. Sally Watson, TNRD Director, Area E and Mayor John Ranta, Village of Cache Creek presented the Finest Couple Award to Tom and Jean Dall.
Her Honour Judith Guichon took her leave at 11 p.m. and the band played on. It was a fun and entertaining night and the Clinton Annual Ball Committee and everyone who helped make it a success should be commended for a job well done.
Plans are already underway for next year and everyone is reminded that 2017 will be the 150th Annual Ball. That will be one not to be missed. See you there!