1. I have lived in here for just over a year, and am thrilled that I chose Clinton as my home. I have moved here from Langley where we worked and raised our family, prior to coming to the Village.
2. I work casual at the local hospitals, as a health care professional, in the laboratory.
3. I am involved in volunteer work here belonging to the Clinton Lions Club where I serve as Vice President, and the Communities in Bloom, so you may have seen me at the Beef in the Bun, or hosting a bar for a community event, the Chili Cook Off, the Texas 4000 Bike Rally, the CiB craft sale, or working on a community beautification project.
4. Although I have not worked on Council/School Board/Regional District, I have attended the council meeting since March 2012. My position in health care requires that I am organized, good at problem solving, manage my time and most importantly have good people skills.
5. As a taxpayer the budget and expenses of this community are a priority. As well I would like to see more dialogue between the community and council.
6. In the tax matter we have to find a balance between what we need to run the community and what we can afford. The council needs to see where efficiencies can be made.
The community and council need to have dialogue, I see a few ways of accomplishing this, perhaps a return to a few village meetings or a set time before meetings for open discussion about arising concerns.
7. The coming year will be a tough one for the incoming council. We need to keep the village going forward, exploring new adventures while keeping in mind our core values, the reason we love the village so much. Keeping it a place where families new and old will want to come to live, work and play.