UPDATE: 9:30 a.m. July 22
The BC Coroners Service has confirmed it is in the “early stages” of a fact-finding investigation related to the recovery of a body Saturday morning in Okanagan Lake.
They added due to the “privacy of the deceased” as per government legislation the service is unable to confirm or release the identity of the person who died.
Supt. Ted De Jager said Monday morning the death is not considered suspicious and the matter is now in the hands of the Coroners Service.
”The investigation remains in its preliminary stages, however criminality is not suspected in the individual’s sudden death at this time,” said Cpl. Jesse O’Donaghey, media relations officer for the RCMP. “The BC Coroners Service is also investigating the person’s death, and the Penticton RCMP continue to work together with the coroner in an effort to positively identify the remains.”
The Penticton fire department was called to assist RCMP with the recovery of a body from the waters of Okanagan Lake Saturday morning.
According to Capt. Glen Beierle of the department, the body was located just north of the breakwater near the Penticton Yacht Club and Marina.
He was not able to provide any other details in the matter and police were unavailable for comment Sunday.
READ MORE: Missing Penticton kayaker last seen on Okanagan Lake
There is no indication at this time if the body was that of a missing Penticton man, Colin Palmer, 41, who had not been heard from since taking his kayak out on Okanagan Lake July 13.
In an earlier news release about the missing man, Const. James Grandy said the last contact with Palmer was when he had told his family he was near Sunoka Beach in his kayak and reported the water was choppy.
The Penticton fire department along with the RCMP airplane conducted a search on July 16 and 17 without success.
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