Newly appointed B.C. Lieutenant Governor, Her Honour The Honourable Judith Guichon, visited Cache Creek and Ashcroft on Tuesday, spending much of her time chatting with the town Councils and students at the local schools.
Guichon addressed an assembly of Cache Creek students, explaining to them her role of representing Queen Elizabeth II in this province.
She described to them in a soft-spoken voice how she swears in the Cabinet, gives the Speech from the Thone, and then she demonstrated how she gave Royal Assent to new laws with a quick nod of her head. She demonstrated it a second time for those who might have missed it.
“It’s a really great job,” she told the students. “If you want it, start working for it now. People have asked me how I got this job. I tell them I had to attend 1,001 meetings.”
She told the students that her “3 Rs” were Responsibility, Respect and Relationships.
She asked the students which “3 Rs” they might be more familiar with in school.
“Recycling!” answered one youngster.
Guichon acknowledged that Reduce, Reuse and Recycle were good “Rs” although she had meant Reading, ‘Riting’ and ‘Rithmatic’.
She said also that she would continue a program started by former Lt.Governor Steven Point of supporting libraries in rural areas.