Six candidates are vying for four councillor positions in Cache Creek, and the Journal sent the same questions to all six candidates, asking for their replies.
Sue Peters is one of the Cache Creek councillor candidates.
1) Tell us a bit about yourself (i.e. background, previous experience in local government). I am a retired business owner who has lived in Cache Creek for 25 years. I have two adult children, and have been a widow for 10 years. I have been a volunteer with Graffiti Days for many years, am the current secretary/treasurer of the AshCreek TV Society that currently keeps our local radio station on the air, am past president and club administrator for the Ashcroft and District Lions Club, volunteer in our Emergency Operations Centre as logistics chief during emergencies, and served as treasurer and president of the Cache Creek Chamber of Commerce when it was still active. I have been a councillor for the Village of Cache Creek for the past four years.
2) What do you see as the biggest issue facing the community and how do you intend to tackle it? I believe our biggest issue is a lack of forward thinking in regards to economic diversity. For too many years we depended on revenues from the landfill, and didn’t plan for the time when that income stream would disappear. We need to work on making our tax base attractive to companies that may want to invest in our area, improve our connectivity to encourage internet-based business, and insure that our infrastructure can sustain growth.
3) What type of development would you like to see in your community, and what steps would you take to attract it? As I said, I would like to see more diversification. I would also like to see seniors’ housing, and more entry level housing and affordable housing. I truly believe in “if you build it they will come.” Current council has taken a great step forward in working with BC Housing for the acquisition of the Shrine property at the top of Stage Road. The potential in this property is far-reaching, and we need to work with the community to ensure we make the most of it.
4) If elected, what is the most relevant skill or experience you can contribute to council? I have a strong business background and understand the financial aspects of budgets and working within the boundaries of our finances. My community involvement over many years gives me a good understanding of where we were at and what we need to work on to move forward. I am passionate about where I live, and want to see us be the best that we can be.
General voting day is Saturday, Oct. 15, from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. at the Cache Creek Community Hall. There will be advance voting in Cache Creek on Oct. 5, 11, 12, and 13 (at the Cache Creek village office; 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. on Oct. 5, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. on Oct. 11-13) and Oct. 7 (at the Ashcroft Hospital and Health Site, 3 to 4 p.m.). For more information, go to
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