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The whole of the taxable assessed value of the land and improvements owned and used exclusively by the “ASH-CREEK TELEVISION SOCIETY” located in the Village of Cache Creek, Province of British Columbia and more particularly known and described as LEGAL SUBDIVISION 14, SECTION 19, TOWNSHIP 21 RANGE 24, MERIDIAN 6, KAMLOOPS DIVISION OF YALE DISTRICT. The estimated Municipal Tax Exemption for 2024 is $216.32.

The whole of the taxable assessed value of the land and improvements owned and used exclusively by the “ASH-CREEK TELEVISION SOCIETY” located in the Village of Cache Creek, Province of British Columbia and more particularly known and described as LEGAL SUBDIVISION 14, SECTION 19, TOWNSHIP 21 RANGE 24, MERIDIAN 6, KAMLOOPS DIVISION OF YALE DISTRICT. The estimated Municipal Tax Exemption for 2024 is $216.32.

The whole of the taxable assessed value of the land and improvements owned and used exclusively by the “EQUALITY PROJECT SOCIETY” located in the Village of Cache Creek, Province of British Columbia and more particularly known and described as LOT 11, PLAN KAP11443, DISTRICT LOT 104, KAMLOOPS DIVISION OF YALE DISTRICT. The estimated Municipal Tax Exemption for 2024 is $930.98.

The whole of the taxable assessed value of the land and improvements owned and used exclusively by the “SOUTH CARIBOO SPORTSMAN ASSOCIATION” LOCATED IN THE Village of Cache Creek, Province of British Columbia and more particularly known and described as SECTION 13, TOWNSHIP 21, RANGE 25, MERIDIAN 6, KAMLOOPS DIVISION OF YALE DISTRICT, PT OF E ½ LICENSE 347091. The estimated Municipal Tax Exemption for 2024 is $330.42.

The whole of the taxable assessed value of the land and improvements owned and used exclusively by the “PENTECOSTAL ASSEMBLIES OF CANADA,” British Columbia located in the Village of Cache Creek, Province of British Columbia, and more particularly known and described as LOT 1, PLAN 36554, SECTION 30 TOWNSHIP 21, RANGE 24, MERIDIAN 6, KAMLOOPS DIVISION OF YALE DISTRICT, EXCEPT PLAN KAP60706. The estimated Municipal Tax Exemption for 2024 is $4,839.80