April 14, 2022
Linda Godau, 1965 - 2022, Deolinda Azevedo Avila, age 56, passed away peacefully on April 14, 2022, at RIH in Kamloops due to a brief illness. She was born on the island of Terceira in the Portuguese Azores to Joao (John) and Raimunda Avila. She has a brother John (Calgary), and sisters Ana-Maria (Castlegar) and Lisabete (Post Falls ID). Linda was predeceased by her mother in 1981 and a baby sister.
Linda's father brought the family to Canada in 1970, and with that, the undeniable Portuguese trait of a deep-rooted work ethic that could not be shaken her entire working life. Her Mediterranean roots were evident in the lush and beautiful gardens she would plant and harvest, without fail, every single growing season. Linda loved her many animals and often adopted rescue pets.
She was a fierce advocate and defender of the family unit, which she affectionately called 'familia'. She had a Linda was a loving life partner, mother, and grandma. Linda had so much love to give she would often walk up to strangers and start chatting, always putting a smile on their faces. In times of better health, you could find Linda spending hours every day, walking the sidewalks of Ashcroft, seeking out hugs from friends and loved ones as she went about her daily business.
Her M.O. was simply to love unconditionally and to help and be generous to all who were in need. She had an authenticity about her that made her undeniably unique in her beauty, her self-giving to the community, her loving relationships, and her exuberance for life itself. Linda is survived by her fiancé and partner of ten years Chris, her children Miguel (Jessica) of Castlegar, Neko (Kate) and Bianca (Robert) of Ashcroft, Johanna (Joel) in Ladysmith, Alexandria (Ryan) in Logan Lake, and Mattias (Oshen) in 100 Mile House including 15 grandchildren. She was also a doting and loving mother to Chris's five children. She loved and touched everyone deeply.
There will be a private Celebration of Life in Ashcroft, followed by placing her in her final resting place alongside her mother and baby sister in Castlegar BC, both dates which have yet to be determined.