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Letters to the Editor

Readers write about the recent WRAPS theatre production
(from l) The Game’s Afoot cast members Mavourneen Varcoe-Ryan, Jan Schmitz, Paulet Rice, Jheanelle Roebbelen, Drew Johnston, and Richard Wright watch as Schmitz reads a letter to the editor praising the production. (Photo credit: Barbara Roden)

Dear Editor,

Wow is all I can say! We had a very special experience here in Ashcroft this last week. The community came together at the HUB to watch The Game’s Afoot, a play written by Ken Ludwig and brought to life by the members of the Winding River Arts & Performance Society. An amazing group of actors and stage crew came together to create this outstanding, funny, riotous at times play!

As I looked around the theatre I saw people of all ages coming together to listen, laugh, and just have some pure enjoyment with each other.

Thank you for giving of your lives and talents to bring us such pleasure. Thank you also to your families for sharing you with these communities of Ashcroft and surrounding areas!

May we look forward to another night of such enjoyment after this group of very professional non-professionals have a bit of a rest before choosing another for us to enjoy.

I especially appreciated the layout of the seats, all with such a great view of the overall stage.

May you all know how much this theatre extravaganza was appreciated by your community!

Marvene Layte

Cache Creek, B.C.

Dear Editor,

Funny how the play The Game’s Afoot is full of references to Shakespeare‘s plays, from Macbeth to Hamlet to Henry V, many of which — together with the twists and turns of the plot, involving murder and adulterous situations — are supposed to fill the audience with a lot of fear and trembling.

Yet the the action of the play, the witty dialogue, and particularly the zesty performances of the actors keep the spectators thrilled from beginning to end, and what should be moments of horror turn out to be moments of fun and delight. Kudos to everyone involved in the production.

Ermes Culos

Ashcroft, B.C.

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